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July 6, 2015

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Book review: Free Yourself from Workplace Bullying

Free Yourself from Workplace BullyingAuthor: Aryanne Oade

Bullying is a real and present issue in today’s workplace. A 2011 study by public sector union Unison reported that six-out-of-ten public sector workers in the UK had either been bullied themselves or had witnessed bullying while at work. In addition, a majority of those polled, 53 per cent, stated that they would be too scared to raise concerns over bullying in the current climate, compared with just 25 per cent two years ago.

Although one would normally expect these types of incidences to be resolved by a HR professional, bullying and harassment is a recognised causation factor of work-related stress, which is very much part of a health and safety advisor’s remit. In fact, the Health and Safety Executive has produced a number of pages on its website that provides advice and guidance about preventing such behaviours.

Whereas the HSE information is centred towards devising and implementing a bullying policy and creating an anti-bullying culture, this book is aimed at the victims.

The author, Aryanne Oade, is a chartered psychologist and runs her own coaching and development business. She draws on her own experience and includes strategies to help sufferers regain their self-esteem and help deal with any potential future situations.

Each chapter includes important facts, which act as useful references that will help promote positive action. There are also a number of real-life case studies, which provide examples and definitions of what may be considered bullying and harassment.

This is quite an easy to read journal and although there might be better resources for preparing risk assessments and procedures it is definitely a title to be aware of should you or anyone you know are unfortunate enough to have experienced bullying in the workplace. Sadly, it is a toolkit that is needed now more than ever.

Simon Toseland is compliance services director for Salisbury FM Group

The paperback version of the book is priced at £21.99 and the eBook is £8.99. Both can be purchased from

What makes us susceptible to burnout?

In this episode  of the Safety & Health Podcast, ‘Burnout, stress and being human’, Heather Beach is joined by Stacy Thomson to discuss burnout, perfectionism and how to deal with burnout as an individual, as management and as an organisation.

We provide an insight on how to tackle burnout and why mental health is such a taboo subject, particularly in the workplace.


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Aryanne Oade
Aryanne Oade
9 years ago

Readers who would like to explore issues around workplace bullying further can download a range of free audio and written resources on detoxifying and recovering from bullying, learning to become bully-proof and handling adversarial behaviour at work: