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September 15, 2010

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Waste and recycling sector to come under scrutiny

The HSE is set to begin a three-year programme of inspection in the municipal waste and recycling sector and is reminding local authorities to be clear on their health and safety responsibilities in procuring and managing such services.

The programme follows the introduction earlier this year of guidance that clarifies the legal duties on local authorities, whether they deliver them in-house, or contract them out. Some mistakenly believe that doing the latter relieves them of health and safety responsibilities.

The guidance – Procuring and managing waste services – was developed by the HSE in conjunction with local authorities and members of the Waste Industry Health and Safety (WISH) forum.€ᄄ €ᄄSpeaking at the RWM10 exhibition at the NEC yesterday (14 Sept), HSE inspector Wayne Williams said: “Despite recent improvements, the performance of the waste and recycling sector is still poor compared with others. The industry has nine times more fatal accidents than the national average and four times as many workers suffer injuries.€ᄄ€ᄄ

“As well as dealing with those authorities that have systems and processes that need improvement, we want to use our inspections to identify areas of good practice, which can be shared with others.

“As clients, local authorities have real influence on how services are delivered, and they need to be using this influence to ensure it is done safely.”€ᄄ €ᄄThe guidance gives practical information on how to make health and safety an integral part of the procurement and contract management process and is available at services

More information on the WISH forum, which represents the main stakeholders in the waste and recycling industry and aims to protect the health, safety and well-being of those working in it and those affected by its activities, can be found at

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