Anker & Marsh

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Dr Tim Marsh PhD, MSc, CFIOSH, CPsychol, SFIIRSM is MD of Anker and Marsh. Visiting Professor at Plymouth University he is considered a world authority on the subject of behavioural safety, safety leadership and organisational culture.As well as many of the world's most recognisable industrial names Tim has worked with diverse organisations such as the European Space Agency, the BBC, Sky TV, the RNLI and the National Theatre in his 25 year plus consultancy career.He has key noted and chaired dozens of conferences around the world including the closing key note at the Campbell Institutes inaugural International Thoughts Leaders event in 2014. He has written several best-selling books including Affective Safety Management, Talking Safety, Total Safety Culture, the Definitive Guide to Behavioural Safety and Organised Wellbeing. Previously he led Manchester Universities ground-breaking research team into behavioural safety methodologies in the 1990s.
November 16, 2022

THE TIM MARSH BLOG: Sigmund Freud and organisational psychopathy

Tim Marsh says Freud’s work around distortion, denial, rationalistion and projection (mental gymnastics) is worryingly ripe in the corporate world.

Freud’s reputation is mixed. Wasn’t he a bit weird and sex obsessed? Well, quite possibly. Indeed, the world’s most famous Freudian slip was at a conference on Freud himself when a speaker – less than impressed with the great man – started with, “When discussing the work of this man Fraud”.

But actually, he has contributed hugely to our understanding of the world. It was his work that first stressed the vital importance of sexuality which, in time, begat the hugely influential socio-biological work of such as Richard Dawkins on ‘selfish genes’. He also stressed the vital importance of early experience (Show me the child and I’ll show you the adult.) It was also Freud who first emphasised the importance of the subconscious a century before Daniel Kahneman wrote Thinking fast and slow and David Cameron set up his ‘nudge unit’.

The Freudian insights that I’m discussing here, however, are about distortion, denial, rationalisation and projection. In short, he was all over mental gymnastics – especially of the self-serving variety. There is any number of politicians worldwide we could now discuss of course but I was reminded of the organisational context watching the (true) film The Good Nurse, starring Eddie Redmayne as the serial killer nurse Charles Cullen.

Despite a spike in emergency events at every hospital he worked at and persistent rumours pointing at him as to why, no less than eight hospitals, in fear of bad reputation and law suits, were happy to simply move Cullen on. Typically, on a technicality – he would then just go get a new job at a hospital down the road. Despite evidence he’d been killing patients by injecting them with insulin they sacked him, for example, for saying he was at a previous hospital from May when it was actually June – His contract stating very clearly there can be no errors on the application form as the team of lawyers and risk managers walking him directly to the door pointed out!

When eventually caught, he was found guilty of 28 murders, but it’s estimated that the actual number is closer to 400 or more. However, no one from any of the hospitals involved has ever been charged let alone convicted with any crime or malpractice. This despite the fact that each hospital simply made the decision to pass the problem to the next hospital employing him. In doing so, they effectively signed the death warrants of up to 390 people.

Lethal corporate mental gymanistics is referenced in a previous article I’ve written about Boeing’s culture; is evident in films like Dark Water (about DuPont of all people) and Erin Brockovich; you’ll have heard of the tobacco industry supressing research data for as long as they could; or the Sackler family and their role in the (legal) drugs epidemic that is estimated to have killed and/or addicted millions. An excellent article about that here.

The list is endless and, in short, this sort of lethal corporate mental gymnastics is everywhere and will only be likely to increase in a world recession.

I’m often asked to talk in debates about the future of the safety professional. Can I suggest that job one will remain a front-line fight against the soulless bastards who undertake all sorts of mental gymnastics to convince themselves that it’s OK to hurt and kill random innocent people for the ‘greater good’ of their organisation’s sustainability. They point at one ‘bigger picture’ to distract from the real one – often having convinced themselves they’re doing no such thing.

But there’s an old man with a beard and a couch from Vienna who could have put them straight.

NB: Abba’s Money Money Money is very catchy but Bob Dylan (of course) nailed it with a rather more insightful line. A free book for the lyric and the song it comes from.

Read more of Tim Marsh’s blogs here.

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R Atkins
R Atkins
2 years ago

“Money doesn’t talk, it swears.” — “I’m Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding) would be my guess, but don’t listen to a lot of Bob Dylan – though friends tell me I should

2 years ago
Reply to  R Atkins

A winner in quick order … and yes you should R. Is there any other songwriter on the planet (including McCartney etc) whose 50th best song is a stone cold classic? But haven’t you already won a book? 🙂

R Atkins
R Atkins
2 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Ah, well yes – but if you didn’t write such accessible books then people wouldn’t try to win them. My original copy of “Safety Savvy” is still in a regional airport after I ‘loaned’ it to someone and never got it back, as a result of which your readership isn’t as large as either you or I would like!

As for my (bad) taste in music … I’m afraid 70’s Prog is in the CD of my car most days.

2 years ago
Reply to  R Atkins

I have an original Savvy I can send in place of Talking Health and Safety if you’d prefer? Or any other of mine … [email protected]

Chris Ivey
Chris Ivey
2 years ago

Hi Tim,

Great article.

You could also have chosen “Masters of War”

“Let me ask you one question, Is your money that good?
Will it buy you forgiveness, Do you think that it could?”

It does lead to the interesting question as to why workers are red carded for safety breaches, in effect passing the problem to another employer.

Keep well


2 years ago
Reply to  Chris Ivey

Yes. One of my all time favourites Chris … the end lyrics about following caskets on pale afternoons about as powerful as any ever written … Tim