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October 25, 2023

One Day Conference: Practical approaches to wellbeing

SHP hears from the Healthy Work Company on their upcoming conference on 29 November 2023, covering topics in wellbeing. 

Conference will be a masterclass on creating meaningful wellbeing strategies

Experts in implementing and measuring wellbeing strategies will share their learning in workshops on November 29th in London.

Few organisational wellbeing strategies are having the results they may have hoped for – in fact long-term and general sickness is at an all time high in the UK.

The one-day conference ‘Practical Approaches to Organisational Wellbeing,’ aims to start turning this around.

Bringing together experts and delegates

The event is unlike any other conference in the sector with its focus on bringing delegates and workshop leaders together to share expertise and build plans.

It will be held at 240 Blackfriars Road (London, SE1 8BF) on 29 November 2023.

Heather Beach, Director of Healthy Work Company., decided to organise the event when she realised that most businesses were grappling with similar issues. 

Defining the right problems

First there was the strategy – from defining the problem they were trying to solve with their wellbeing strategy to creating a cultural approach, then getting leadership buy-in and measuring results and impact. 

Targeting overwhelm and stress

Secondly there is the endemic problem of overwhelm and stress which are a defining problem of the modern era. 

She decided to split the event into two halves – the morning dealing with practical steps to creating a meaningful strategy. The afternoon looking at the challenge of work-related stress -how do we as individuals, managers and organisations get more conscious about managing those? 

Forum theatre and workshops tailored to fit cater for organisation of different sizes

Heather says she understands that different sized organisations have different challenges and opportunities.

The facilitated workshop sessions have been structured so that delegates will be with colleagues from similar sized organisations and can create meaningful action plans.

In the afternoon, actors from forum theatre will show us a difficult conversation about workload between a team member and their manager. The audience will then coach them to handle it better.

Everyone will leave inspired and with a plan

Heather Beach, said, “Our vision is that everyone will leave with steps you can put into action as soon as you get back to the office. This is because I want you to be able to work together with the experts in the room to create a plan!”

“The sector expertise we will have in that room will be immense – from speakers to workshop leaders to you the audience. We are all trying to get to the same place – a world where wellbeing strategies are actually working. This conference is my way of making this happen.”

Speakers at the event include:

  • Becky Corris from Heathrow Airport will share how she gained significant investment in wellbeing from the senior team by getting close to the business drivers
  • Aline Allain (from Paris) and Louise Gardner  – both from global car manufacturer Stellantiswill outline how they successfully measure the success of their wellbeing strategy
  • Tim Sismey from Make Work, Work Better, will use principles from LEAN engineering to help us define problems in the arena of stress risk, then brief us on some problem-solving techniques
  • Workshop leaders include – Jerry Flechais, Dr Judith Grant, Sam Longford.

Leaders and professionals working across the spectrum of HR, health and safety and the wellbeing sectors will be attending including:

  • Meta 
  • Luton Airport
  • Heathrow Airport
  • ITV
  • Vertex
  • Royal College of Nursing 
  • Assemble Media Group
  • Paradigm Housing 
  • TactCare

Book your ticket – don’t miss out.

You can book tickets to the events here!

I am a Boss, Not a Shrink

Heather Beach has also just written a best-selling book which would make an excellent accompaniment to the conference: ‘I’m a Boss, Not a Shrink: Practical Guide to Manager Wellbeing Conversations.

Contact Information: [email protected]

About Heather: 

Heather Beach is the founder and director of The Healthy Work Company. A former director of a FTSE 250 company, she has postgraduate certificates in Positive Psychology and Relational Organisational Gestalt and is certified as a lead implementor for BS 45001 by British Standards.  

A key influencer in the health and safety sector and bestselling author of “I’m a Boss, not a Shrink Practical Guide to Manager Wellbeing Conversations”, Heather founded Women in Health and Safety and has been featured in numerous consumer publications and on TV.

Heather has a degree from UCL and speaks good French and poor Spanish and Italian. She is fascinated by what it takes for human beings to thrive in life.

What makes us susceptible to burnout?

In this episode  of the Safety & Health Podcast, ‘Burnout, stress and being human’, Heather Beach is joined by Stacy Thomson to discuss burnout, perfectionism and how to deal with burnout as an individual, as management and as an organisation.

We provide an insight on how to tackle burnout and why mental health is such a taboo subject, particularly in the workplace.


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