June 6, 2017

Mind survey reveals differences in mental health support for public & private sector workers

A survey from the mental health charity Mind has revealed that workplace wellbeing support is worse in the public sector than in the private sector. Surveying over 12,000 employees across both sectors, the charity found a higher prevalence of mental health problems in the public sector, together with a lack of support of those that do seek help.

According to Mind, the UK public sector employs over 5.4 million people, almost 3 million of whom are employed by central Government alone. The survey found that public sector workers were over a third more likely to say their mental health was poorer than their peers in the private sector (15% versus 9%), and far more likely to say they have felt anxious at work on several occasions over the last month (53% compared to 43%).

The charity has stressed the impact of this, noting that public sector survey respondents said that on average, they had taken nearly three days off sick in the last year because of their mental health, compared to just under one day on average for workers in the private sector. Almost half (48%) of public sector workers have had time off because of their mental health, compared with less than a third (32%) of the private sector workforce.


The survey also suggests that the sector as a whole is more aware of the problem than the private sector. The results show that public sector workers are more likely to disclose that they have a mental health problem, are more likely to be up front about it if they do take time off because of their mental health and are more likely to report that the workplace culture makes it possible for people to speak openly about their mental health. However, when they do open up, support isn’t always forthcoming. Less than half (49%) of people said they felt supported when they disclosed mental health problems, compared with three in five (61%) in the private sector.

The next government must make mental health in the workplace a key priority, urges the charity, and to do this, they want to see the next government promote, recognise and share effective in-work solutions for employers. These should include wellbeing initiatives and Mind’s Workplace Wellbeing Index, support the continuation of the Independent Mental Health and Employers Review and commit to implementing the recommendations which will have a positive impact in supporting employers to be a full partner in driving this change.


Paul Farmer, Chief Executive of Mind, said: “Mental health is one of the biggest domestic issues facing the next government. More people than ever are speaking out about mental health and demanding change. As a nation our expectations for better mental health for all are higher than ever and the next government must rise to this challenge.

“A vital part of changing the lives of people with mental health problems is to tackle the culture of fear and silence in the workplace that stops people opening up about what they are experiencing. This data shows that the public sector in particular is making progress here. But it’s also vital that when people do speak out they get the right help and support at the right time. It’s clear there is still a long way to go in both the public and private sector to address the gap between people asking for support and actually getting what they need.

“By promoting wellbeing for all staff, tackling the causes of work-related mental health problems and supporting staff who are experiencing mental health problems, organisations can help keep people at work and create mentally healthy workplaces where people are supported to perform at their best.

“The current government funded Mind to put in place support for emergency services staff, through our Blue Light programme, but it is clear that workplace wellbeing needs to be a priority throughout the public sector. We must see the next government commit to making change, as government and also as an employer themselves.”

Mind received government funding via the LIBOR fines fund, in order to develop and deliver a programme of mental health support for emergency services staff and volunteers including police, fire, ambulance and search and rescue services, known as the Blue Light pledge.

What makes us susceptible to burnout?

In this episode  of the Safety & Health Podcast, ‘Burnout, stress and being human’, Heather Beach is joined by Stacy Thomson to discuss burnout, perfectionism and how to deal with burnout as an individual, as management and as an organisation.

We provide an insight on how to tackle burnout and why mental health is such a taboo subject, particularly in the workplace.


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[…] Mind survey reveals differences in mental health support for public & private sector workers. Read more – SHP Online […]