Fari Fathi

How can we overcome gender bias in the workplace?

In the final part of this mini-series, we look at what can be done within workplaces to overcome some of the issues we’ve discussed so far. Read More

What are the challenges and advantages for women working in a male-dominated environment?

In the second part of this mini-series, we look at some of the challenges and advantages faced by women working in the profession. Read More

Why does gender bias and discrimination exist in the workplace?

SHP speaks to eight health & safety professionals to learn their views on why gender bias exists and hears some of their personal stories and experiences. Read More


Environmental, Social & Governance White Paper

Improving Workplace Safety: Personality Assessments to improve organisational safety culture

Strong foundation – embedding safety culture in your frontline workers

Contractor Selection and Management in Times of Labour Shortage

Streamlining your safety processes to drive proactive improvements across your business

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