Assistant Editor

May 31, 2019

Safety & Health Expo 2019

NHS Blood and Transplant to help visitors find their blood type at Safety and Health Expo 2019

NHS Blood and Transplant will be attending Safety & Health Expo, at ExCeL London from 18-20 June 2019, to explain the importance of blood donating, through its activity, Whats Your Blood Type.

Donated blood is vital for a wide variety of life-saving procedures in local hospitals. Patients undergoing major surgery and emergency treatment often require blood transfusions, but perhaps less well-known is the fact that blood is essential to the treatment for many different types of cancer and blood disorders.

With thousands of patients receiving blood transfusions every year, NHS Blood and Transplant is challenging visitors at Safety and Health Expo, to register as a new blood donor, and have a test after completing the registration form, to find out their likely blood type and book an appointment.

What’s Your Blood Type

This innovative activity, What’s Your Blood Type, allows visitors who are interested in donating blood, find out their likely blood type at the point of registration. This allows NHS Blood and Transplant to give visitors tailored information about their blood type and let them know when and where it would like them to give blood.

Visitors can go to stand SH2089, to get more information. Click the link below to register your free place.

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