Looking after the health of healthcare professionals
July 14, 2010
Exploring the hazards nurses face and the challenges on the horizon, Kim Sunley concludes that a focus on the health and well-being of health-care staff will reap benefits for patients. Read More
European organisations uneasy over stress
June 3, 2010
Work-related stress is as great a concern for European managers as workplace accidents, according to the results of a comprehensive pan-European survey. Read More
Blog: how it felt to be blacklisted by big construction firms
May 26, 2010
When some of the UK's biggest construction firms were revealed last year as subscribers to a covert database containing sensitive personal information on thousands of building workers the outcry was immense, and led to the introduction of new laws banning blacklisting. But they don't go far enough to ensure the practice is wiped out once and for all, argues Dave Smith, who was one of the safety reps on the list. Read More
Meat-processing industry in firing line over worker mistreatment
March 15, 2010
Pregnant workers being forced to endure heavy lifting, workers urinating on themselves after being prevented from visiting the toilet, and managers throwing frozen hamburgers at staff are some of the examples of mistreatment uncovered by an inquiry into the meat and poultry processing sector. Read More
Guidance- violence at work – Partners join forces to tackle workplace violence
January 18, 2010
In 2007, the European Union social partners reached an autonomous agreement on the need to tackle workplace harassment and violence. The UK equivalents Read More
Guidance- Partners join forces to fight violence at work
December 10, 2009
In 2007, the European Union social partners reached an autonomousagreement on the need to tackle workplace harassment and violence. <br> Read More
Healthcare group- Britain’s battered health service
December 4, 2009
They work to help us recover from illness and injury, but health-care sector workers are being subjected to daily instances of violence and aggression, the IOSH Healthcare Group was told at their latest networking seminar, held at the COSLA Centre in Edinburgh. Read More
SHE09- Nip accidents and claims in the bud via a strong H and S culture
May 13, 2009
Don't crack under the credit crunch was the message to SHP Arenadelegates from Peter Forshaw, partner with law firm Weightmans, whooutlined the importance of accident prevention and claims containmentin a recession. <p></p><br><br> Read More
Fund opens to combat attacks on NHS staff
April 6, 2009
Half a million pounds has been set aside to help tackle violenceagainst health-care staff, as part of a new financial reserve launchedyesterday (6 April) by the Scottish Government. Read More
Lone worker safety
December 11, 2008
<I>Looking after employees who spend their nine-to-five under your roof can be difficult enough, but ensuring that staff who go out and about for their work ヨ especially those who operate alone and in out-of-the-way locations ヨ remain safe and within your protection requires special effort. Craig Swallow explains.</I> Read More