E.ON wins inaugural safety award for renewables project
The company beat three other shortlisted entries: RWE Innogy – for the Liverpool Bay wind-farm exercise; Scottish Power Renewables – for its innovative Verification Authorisation Control System (VACS), located at Whitelee wind farm; and Mainstream Renewables – which was commended for the Hornsea Met mast project and its deployment of innovative environmental, safety, health and quality management systems.
Maria McCaffery MBE, chief executive of RenewableUK, said: “We hope that this award will act as a beacon to deliver the highest health and safety standards during what will be a critical stage of growth for the renewable energy sector. . . We are proud of our industry’s excellent health and safety record. Initiatives such as this will help us maintain these extremely high standards.”
Alastair Dutton, programme manager for wind development at The Crown Estate added: “The Crown Estate wants the UK’s world-leading offshore wind industry to have a robust and sustainable health and safety culture. This has proved to be an area in which the industry has come together, helping each other.
“This award recognises the important work that companies and individuals are taking to promote and execute a high standard of health and safety. Sharing good practice is essential to deliver the Government’s offshore renewable energy aspirations.”
Picture of Maria McCaffery: Courtesy of RenewableUK
E.ON wins inaugural safety award for renewables project
Energy company E.ON Climate and Renewables is the first winner of a new award in recognition of outstanding health and safety performance in the renewables industry.
Safety & Health Practitioner
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