Drivers urged to take care at roadworks

The Highways Agency has warned motorists of the need to drive responsibly near roadworks to reduce the risk of harm to highway workers.
According to the Agency’s own research, double the number of drivers now recognise that they have a responsibility to drive safely near roadworks compared with four years ago, while more than eight out of ten drivers say their driving behaviour changes as they approach roadworks, including slowing down and being more careful and attentive.
Nevertheless, between 2005 and 2010 nine road workers were killed and 10 seriously injured while working on England’s motorways and major ‘A’ roads, as a direct result of accidents involving drivers travelling through works. Over the same period seven drivers and three passengers were reported to have been killed while driving through roadworks.
So, as the summer holidays finish and the evenings draw in, the Highways Agency is taking the opportunity to urge more drivers to take extra care when driving through roadworks – both for their own safety and to protect workers who keep roads safe and well maintained.
Roads minister Mike Penning said: “Road workers work in a dangerous environment and it’s vital drivers show them respect and consideration by driving safely and keeping within the speed limit. I welcome findings that show more and more drivers realise how important it is to take care while driving near roadworks. However, more needs to be done, as the death and injury toll is still unacceptable.”
He added: “Driving through half a mile of roadworks at 50mph takes just ten seconds more than at 70mph. My message to road users is clear: do not risk lives and wreck families for a few seconds of selfishness.”
On approaching roadworks, motorists are advised to:
- Keep within the speed limit, which is set for drivers’ and road workers’ safety;
- Get into the correct lane in good time – don’t keep switching;
- Concentrate on the road ahead, not the roadworks;
- Be alert for roadwork vehicles and operatives leaving, or entering roadworks;
- Keep a safe distance – there could be queues in front; and
- Observe all signs.
The Agency’s ‘Respect’ video can be accessed at and photographs supporting its ‘Safety at roadworks’ campaign activity are available at
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Drivers urged to take care at roadworks
The Highways Agency has warned motorists of the need to drive responsibly near roadworks to reduce the risk of harm to highway workers.
Safety & Health Practitioner
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I visited the USA (California) some years ago and hired a car. I was told by a relative that if you broke the spped limit in an area of road works the penalty was much higher. Maybe this could be a concideration for the UK!
I feel such a fool when driving at 50 mph where there is no control measures for traffic, everyone is speeding past you taking no notice of the workforce on the road.
The highways agency needs to have the campaigns on tv, those that are ignorant at roadworks are not going to click onto the website.
I would support a tv campaign that would address traffic approaching filter cones and how we should behave to one another.