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November 7, 2013

Health and safety legislation update: October 2013

Everyone in health and safety will be aware that significant changes are afoot. There’s a political drive to free businesses from unnecessary legal requirements and make the rest easier to understand and comply with.

The HSE reports that it’s on track to meet the goals, set in its Business Plan 2012 – 2015. Many of these objectives resulted from: Lord Young’s report “Common sense, common safety” published in October 2010; Professor Löfstedt’s report “Reclaiming health and safety for all: an independent review of health and safety regulation”; the Red Tape Challenge; and the financial pressures on the HSE to reduce its costs. Other recent changes have occured in the area of civil procedures resulting from Lord Justice Jackson’s “Review of Civil Litigation Costs” published in January 2010.
This health and safety legislation update provided by Barbour EHS looks at the changes which came into force this month and which are expected in the coming year; as well as providing further information and resources that will help you to prepare for these changes.
The timetable of changes includes:
October 2013
The Amendment to Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981, which removed the requirement for HSE to approve training providers and qualifications of appointed first-aid personnel. 
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) 2013 – a longer summary of which is available on SHP.
Changes to the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
Primary Authority Schemes – the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013
Other changes expected for 2013/14
Proposed Amendment to section 3 of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
Proposals to revise, consolidate or withdraw Approved Codes of Practice (ACoPs) by the end of 2013 including:
  • Dangerous substances and explosive atmospheres (ACoPs L134 – 138)
  • Hazardous substances (ACoP L5) Pipelines (ACoP L81)
  • Asbestos (ACoPs L127, L143) Workplaces (ACoP L24)
  • Gas safety (ACoPs L56, COP20) Agriculture (ACoP L116)
  • Management of health and safety (ACoP L21) Legionella (ACoP L8)

There are also ACoPs that may be subject to minor amendments or no change by the end of 2014.

Changes to rules for employment agencies

Revocation of the Factories Act 1961, Offices, Shops & Railway Premises Act 1963 and the repeal of a further 10 regulations associated with the Acts

Revision of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations and Approved Code of Practice  – a radical overhaul of which is anticipated for October 2014, pending the consultation.

Changes to the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 to reclassify Heavy Fuel Oils

Proposed Acetylene Regulations 2014

Consolidation of explosives legislation

New guidance for working at height

Other sector-specific consolidations of regulations

Adventure activities licensing

The full update from Barbour EHS is available to download for free as a PDF

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