Book review: CDM 2015 – Questions and Answers

Book title:
CDM 2015
Questions and Answers
A practical approach
Book’s author:
Pat Perry
Book review written by Rhaynukaa Soni CMIOSH,
a Director at RLS Consultants Ltd
Given the extensive consultation, industry publications and debates, the changes to the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations in 2015 didn’t come as surprise. A year on, it is fair to say that a large majority have a good understanding of what the updated Regulations (Regs) require. With this in mind, “CDM 2015 – Questions and Answers” provides an excellent ‘go-to’ guide for those that need to look beyond the headline changes and understand at a practical level, what is required of them.
Unlike the 2007 update, there is currently no ACOP for CDM Regs 2015 and therefore areas are still stringently debated with many awaiting the first prosecution(s) to understand how the HSE will be enforcing the updated Regs. For this reason this book provides invaluable insight into the roles and responsibilities of all Dutyholders. Unlike an ACOP or even HSE guidance though, this Pat Perry book provides useful information in language that is accessible to all.
A common complaint with health and safety books or even advice, is it is too ambiguous and doesn’t provide a suitable response or even starting point. Perry provides straightforward answers that anyone can use, for instance page 110: “How thorough does the client or principal designer have to be in providing information?” Perry responds “The answers from the HSE is likely to be ‘very’”.
This book is particularly helpful to those new to construction and looking to get a better understanding of what the Regs require; equally those for whom CDM and/or health and safety is their primary vocation will find this an excellent text to dip in and out of as required.
Another feature that I find particularly useful is the number of examples provided throughout from site set up through to design risk assessments. These provide a good foundation for those looking to review their own systems as well as providing a good starting point if looking to put together a new management system.
There is no doubt this is a valuable addition to my growing collection of CDM and health and safety literature and I thoroughly recommend you get a copy. However, there is one area that the book does omit – major projects. Whilst the generally principals of CDM remain the same it is equally true that major projects are complex in their make-up, at times with multiple independent clients working concurrently on the same site or vicinity. As the number of these projects is growing, it would be invaluable to have some industry guidance on how leading figures such as Perry believe CDM should be implemented and managed on such intricate and complex projects.
That being said, Perry remains true to the title and it really is “A practical approach” which I believe everyone should have on their desk. Whilst you may not read this book cover to cover, it will prove to be an invaluable source of information at your fingertips that you can dip in and out of when required.
Rhaynukaa Soni CMIOSH is a Director at RLS Consultants Ltd.
Book review: CDM 2015 – Questions and Answers
Book title: CDM 2015 Questions and Answers A practical approach Book’s author: Pat Perry Book review written by Rhaynukaa Soni
Safety & Health Practitioner
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