Balfour Beatty fined for leisure-centre floor collapse

Construction giant Balfour Beatty has appeared in court for safety failings after an unsupported floor deck collapsed during the building of the Plymouth Life Centre.
On 8 July last year, two employees from Balfour Beatty Construction Scottish and Southern Ltd were pouring concrete on to a deck to form the floor of a weights area at the leisure centre.
The company did not put a temporary support under the deck, and the combined weight of the two men and the concrete caused it to give way. They fell two-and-a-half metres to the level below and escaped with only minor injuries.
An investigation by the HSE found the firm had failed to take sufficient measures to protect its workers. It didn’t follow its own temporary-works procedure, which required checks to be carried out to ensure the deck was properly supported.
HSE principal inspector Andrew Kingscott said: “The two workers were fortunate not to have been seriously injured in this incident, which was entirely preventable had Balfour Beatty followed the proper temporary-works procedure.
“The correct procedure would have highlighted the need to use a temporary support, such as stronger steel decking, propping, or the construction of a temporary wall.”
Balfour Beatty appeared at Plymouth Magistrates’ Court on 29 October and pleaded guilty to breaching reg.28 of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007. It was fined £2000 and ordered to pay £5347 in costs.
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Balfour Beatty fined for leisure-centre floor collapse
Construction giant Balfour Beatty has appeared in court for safety failings after an unsupported floor deck collapsed during the building of the Plymouth Life Centre.
Safety & Health Practitioner
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Bob, obviously Balfour-Beatty’s best/most competant H&S officers were busy making sure no-one got hurt while they were building London’s Olympic Legacy.
Lol; know the feeling, Bob, I know the feeling!
No individual accounability is persued by this prosecution.
The fine of 2k surely reflects others accountability for failing to observe best practice for TW control?
I would show them the door myself.
I refuse to rise to your bait, don`t get me started, I,ve only just calmed down from the last Olympic tirade!!!!
It`s enough to give me another heart attack.
I should really stop concerning myself with others ineptitude, but find it more difficult the older I get.