5 things to know about incident management and reporting
May 4, 2020
EHS incidents can be painful for injured employees, the environment, and an organisation’s bottom line, but incident management and reporting doesn’t have to be a pain point. Read More
Are you in control of your accident and incident management reporting?
September 30, 2019
When people think of accidents at work, their mind tends to automatically imagine slips, trips and falls or people working at height. However, these are just a few examples of the dozens of potential work-related accident and incidents that organisations need to be aware of. Read More
‘Without something being different, incidents don’t occur’
September 13, 2019
‘The Times They Are a Changin’ wrote Bob Dylan in his famous song of 1964. This is certainly true today. People all around the world are experiencing or being exposed to more political and environmental change than has probably existed for at least a generation. Read More
‘Investigation – Good Medicine’
May 23, 2019
Investigation is part of planning, design, risk assessment and almost everything else. It is therefore unfortunate when companies think that investigation is just a health and safety methodology only to be used when things go wrong. Read More
Video: engaging employees with health and safety, episode 3
March 30, 2016
In his third video for SHP Safety Talks, Dr Dominic Cooper explains how engaged employees are much less likely to be involved in an incident, and that the costs of disengaged employees are about six times more for an incident than for an engaged employee. Read More