Government “sees sense” on health and safety myth-making
August 24, 2011
An epidemic of excuses wrongly citing health and safety is needlessly curtailing people's personal freedoms, Employment minister Chris Grayling announced today (24 August). Read More
IOSH survey reveals public has lost its ‘risk-savviness’
May 20, 2010
The general public lacks risk awareness and intelligence and has become disconnected from dealing with everyday risk. Read More
BBC joins the debate on ‘bonkers’ health and safety
April 20, 2009
It seems the media has not yet tired of taking pot-shots at health andsafety, with another half-hour of prime-time television devoted toemphasising the absurdity of the sector with only scant mention of itsimportance.<br><br> Read More
Tis the season to be silly
December 18, 2008
The national media has been awash lately with stories of health and safety "cancelling Christmas", prompting IOSH to hit out at Yuletide killjoys and "tinsel tyrants". Read More
Cutting Edge documentary- friend or foe
December 4, 2008
The Channel 4 documentary on health and safety shown on 4 December was, as expected, hardly a balanced, sympathetic portrayal of a much maligned subject but, despite the programme-makers' best efforts, it may have done the profession a favour. Read More
Health and safety is not disproportionate, says research
June 19, 2008
It's not health and safety managers that are banning things left, right and centre, it's just a perception Read More
IOSH hits out at the ‘elf n safety’ excuse
June 3, 2008
IOSH president Ray Hurst has hit out at the continuing use of health and safety as an 'easy excuse'. Ray said that media reports had alleged a flood of bans, ranging from dustbin men lifting bins, to bunting and monkey puzzle trees. The latest example was East Midlands Trains blaming health and safety reasons for refusing to let a disabled passenger with his mobility scooter onto a train. Read More
Countering negativity in health and safety
February 25, 2008
When the national media carry negative reports about health and safety, or the general public sound off about it, we can put it down to ignorance of the subject on their part. But when that negativity is coming from those actually responsible for health and safety, it's far more of a concern, as Gary Fallaize found out when his company surveyed duty-holders. Read More