Take part in Acre’s latest HSE insight survey
Acre has launched its first Health, Safety & Environment market survey with SHP as their official media partner.
This survey is aiming to achieve the largest and most in-depth view of the UK HSE market ever taken.
On its first day alone the survey received over 200 response and is set to be one of the defining surveys of this year.
The survey will run until Friday 9 June. The results will be complied in a comprehensive report and will be published in full on SHP. The report will also feature commentary from experts in the market place.
NCQR, an awarding body for health and safety, corporate risk and statutory compliance qualifications, is also supporting the survey. Thanks to their input, the questions have been tailored to ensure that the best possible conclusions can be drawn from the survey.
Acre has an excellent track record in creating market surveys and runs the leading survey in the sustainability market, the CR & Sustainability Salary. Their most recent survey received over 1200 responses.
Acre Founder Andy Cartland says
“Acre has a track record of creating market leading surveys, and we will apply our expertise to create useful data for HSE and wellbeing experts. We aim to involve as many participants as possible, all of whom will receive a copy of the report ahead of general release to the market”.
Anna Keen, Director of Acre’s competency assessment business, Acre Frameworks says
“HSE is in an exciting phase of development, and is evolving toward being a highly strategic function. We are interested to track how the competencies of professionals are developing with time and whether these changes are reflected in remuneration”
Take part in the survey here
Take part in Acre’s latest HSE insight survey
Acre has launched its first Health, Safety & Environment market survey with SHP as their official media partner. This survey
Conal Frost
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