Honeywell guide sets out fire detection advice
The importance of choosing the right fire detection method for a specific environment is highlighted by technology and manufacturing firm Honeywell, with the release of a new Guide on FAAST Aspiration Smoke Detection Applications.
FAAST Fire Alarm Aspiration Sensing TechnologyTM is manufactured by Honeywell, who say that the range uses proven high sensitivity detection techniques and advanced design features to provide early warning of fire in tough and mission critical environments where very early smoke detection is required or standard smoke detection is prone to failure or false alarm.
Honeywell explain that Aspiration Smoke Detection (ASD) – where air is drawn through sampling holes in a pipe network for smoke particulate analysis – has become one of the premier detection methods in challenging applications, due to its adaptability for diverse applications.
Honeywell’s FAAST Aspiration Smoke Detection Applications Guide aims to help system integrators, consultants, specifiers and installers during the specification, design, installation and commissioning process, says the company.
According to Honeywell, the guide covers:
- aspiration device benefits and application considerations
- best practices for installation, commissioning and maintenance
- industry codes of practice and guidance from key associations
- the FAAST Fire Alarm Aspiration Sensing Technology range.
The firm add that key applications covered include telecoms, large open spaces, extreme temperature locations, as well as historic and cultural sites, and ducts and lift shafts.
Honeywell guide sets out fire detection advice
The importance of choosing the right fire detection method for a specific environment is highlighted by technology and manufacturing firm
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