October 26, 2023


Errol Taylor steps down as RoSPA CEO

After almost two decades at the accident prevention charity, Errol Taylor has stepped down as its chief executive.

Taylor led some of RoSPA’s most significant achievements, including Managing Occupational Road Risk (MoRR) in 1996, the creation of the National Water Safety Forum in 2005, its Safe at Home project in 2009 and more recently its Safer Stairs campaign in 2022 and the campaign against the 2023 UK Revocation Bill.

Speaking on his departure, Taylor said: “I have seen RoSPA flourish over the last 20 years and have been lucky enough to be part of some of RoSPA’s most significant achievements.

“It has been a tremendous privilege to work with you all – I have particularly enjoyed the opportunity for us to make a direct connection between evidence and both RoSPA’s strategic and campaigning priorities to in turn, make the best possible use of our resources to reduce the burden of accidental injury.”

The Board has interim arrangements in place and will announce a successor in due course.

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