Personal safety service – Skyguard

Solent NHS has chosen Skyguard, a personal safety device for lone workers and people at risk, to protect 700 of its lone working staff.
The NHS trust provides specialist community and mental health services to local people, principally in the Portsmouth and Southampton area with some services reaching across a wider part of Hampshire.
Due to the nature of the services it provides, a significant proportion of its 3,800+ staff are lone workers in the local community.
Following a EU tender process, with the aim of sourcing the most appropriate and cost-effective solution for the trust’s needs, Solent NHS awarded the contract to Skyguard to supply MySOS personal safety devices to the trust.
According to the manufacturer, the device comes with a simple button alarm activation feature. When pressed this sends an alarm containing the user’s personal details and GPS location to Skyguard’s 24/7 operated incident management centre where controllers will manage any emergency.
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Personal safety service – Skyguard
Solent NHS has chosen Skyguard, a personal safety device for lone workers and people at risk, to protect 700 of its lone working staff.
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