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July 27, 2015

I can see clearly now: the legal requirements for employee eye care

glasses-543117_640by Mike Blake, Director, PMI Health Group

When it comes to regulations and legal requirements around employee eyecare, too often confusion reigns.

The subtle differences in requirements according to an employee’s job role tend to sow doubt in the minds of employers about whether eye tests are required and who should arrange them.

Staff operating a visual display unit (VDU) or display screen equipment (DSE) will have slightly different needs to those driving on company business or operating equipment such as forklift trucks but there are several overriding rules employers should keep in mind.

Do employers have a responsibility to offer eye tests?

In short, no.

Employees operating VDUs/DSE bear the burden of responsibility and must request an appropriate eyesight test from their employer. Companies are not legally obligated to offer tests as a matter of course.

There is no evidence to suggest DSE work will cause permanent damage to eyes or eyesight but eye tests are provided to ensure users can comfortably see the screen and fulfil their job without suffering visual fatigue.

If requested, however, the employer is obliged to provide appropriate eye and eyesight by an optometrist or doctor under the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992. This applies only to ‘users’ of DSE, defined as an employee who habitually uses DSE as a significant part of their normal work, specifically if they use DSE continuously for periods of an hour or more on most days worked.

It is also important to note that employers are not permitted to refuse to provide a test on the grounds that a new recruit has already had one provided in any previous period of employment.

Who must cover the cost of eye tests and glasses?

If an eyesight test is requested by a DSE user, the onus is on the employer to pay for it.

Employers do not have to reimburse employees for tests they have already had prior to joining the business but must organise and pay for a new test if it is requested.

Arrangements for covering the cost may differ. Some employers will ask users to arrange tests themselves and bill the costs back to the company, while others will organise tests through a specific optician or have them conducted on site.

Corporate eyecare schemes offer a good option for companies looking to take a proactive approach. These schemes are often popular with employees but require a relatively modest outlay, allowing companies to reduce the cost of individual eye tests. They are often pre-paid, with the employer purchasing vouchers for eye tests and receiving a refund for any that are not used.

Alternatively, health cash plans frequently cover eyecare alongside a host of other health benefits and treatments, giving them a high perceived value among recipients.

Where tests show that users need glasses specifically for DSE work, employers must pay the cost of a basic frame and the prescribed lenses. If the user chooses a more expensive frame, the employer is not obliged to pay for it but may opt to contribute a portion equal to the cost of the basic product.

Employers are not obliged to pay for ordinary spectacles that are used to aid general vision and are not specifically prescribed for DSE purposes. If an employee who already wears glasses is then prescribed corrective appliances for DSE work, the employer only needs to pay for the DSE-specific spectacles.

Does an employer need to provide regular eye tests?

Only if these are required as a result of DSE work.

Employees are entitled by law to request further eye tests at regular intervals if DSE work is considered to cause them visual fatigue.

It is generally recommended that most people should get their eyes tested every two years but the frequency should be determined by clinical judgment and may depend on an individual’s age and state of vision.

Are there specific eyetest rules for company drivers?

Drivers are legally obliged to meet specific eyesight standards according to the type of vehicle they drive. Car drivers must be able to accurately read a registration plate from 20 metres away but drivers of category C and D vehicles, such as a heavy-goods vehicle (HGV) or a bus, must meet more stringent requirements.

EU legislation requires employees who drive on company business to have regular sight tests in order to keep their licences. For holders of commercial licences (category C and D), tests will be required every five years, while private licence holders will need to have tests every 10 to 15 years.

Technically, the responsibility for ensuring eyesight meets required standards sits with the individual driver. However, the matter is slightly more complicated.

According to the HSE, an employer’s duty of care responsibility includes ensuring employees are fit to drive, whether the employee is driving a company car or their own vehicle for any work-related purpose.

If employers are found to be in breach of their Duty of Care, insurance claims may be invalidated and, even more seriously, the employer could be prosecuted under the Corporate Manslaughter Act for any incident resulting in death. Although the employer is not responsible for funding driver eye tests, it is wise to do so in order to ensure employees can drive safely and comply with regulations.

What about employees operating specialist equipment?

For staff operating specialist equipment, such as forklift trucks or heavy machinery, the guidelines are the same as those for company drivers.

Although employees are technically responsible for their own eyesight, including arranging eye tests when appropriate, Duty of Care legislation shifts the onus onto the employer.

In the case of staff using equipment which possesses a high risk for causing injury to the operator or others, it is important the employer ensures staff are fit and able to conduct their job without any problems.

Risk assessments should be conducted to identify employees in high-risk areas and eye tests conducted at a regular interval to ensure a commitment to Duty of Care is demonstrable.

Mike Blake is director for PMI Health Group


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Simon Ford
Simon Ford
7 years ago

My present employer is unwilling to pay towards the cost of my new prescription glasses (Varifocal Lenses).
I do VDU work and driving duties for the same employer with the same set of glasses.Do I have any leverage under HSE ‘Duty Of Care’ guidelines and EU Regulations to change their minds?