June 6, 2018

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Worker run over by road roller

A road resurfacing company has been fined £15,400 after an employee was run over by a road roller.

Ayr Sherriff Court was told that on 3 November 2015, an employee of Newlay Civil Engineering Ltd reversed a road roller over the leg of fellow employee, Thomas Shaw.

The incident happened at Knockbreck Road, Straiton in South Ayrshire, when the road was undergoing re-surfacing work.

The HSE found that the vehicle in question was operating without a flashing beacon and the reversing alarm was not working.

Newlay Civil Engineering Ltd pled guilty to breaching Regulation 5(1) of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 and was fined £15,400.

Speaking after the hearing HSE Principal Inspector, Graeme McMinn said: “This case highlights the importance of regular pro-active maintenance and pre-use inspection of work equipment, including flashing beacons and reversing alarms.

“In this case, Newlay Civil Engineering Ltd failed to effectively maintain their road roller and it could easily have resulted in a fatality.”

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6 years ago

Time for somebody to enlighten #Wokingham Borough Council and its contractors to the safety issues around using large machine in public parks specially when used around the public (incl children)

6 years ago

Orange beacons are for slow moving vehicles travelling on highways, to warn other road users of the hazard of speed differential . Hard to see how that was relevant to running over someone on a worksite. There must have been more to this surely?