Scott Gaddis
Scott leads integration of the EHSQ Alliance in thought leadership and building partnerships with key clients and other top influencers in EHS. He is responsible for the engagement of EHS professionals across the globe to provide a platform for sharing information and collectively driving solutions that mitigate workplace loss. Before joining Intelex, Scott was Vice President, Global Environment, Health, and Safety for Coveris High Performance Packaging Company, Executive Director of Global EHS for Bristol-Myers Squibb, Global Director of Occupational Safety and Health at Kimberly-Clark and GE Company as EHS Director. Mr. Gaddis has been published in various EHS trade journals and has lectured at National and International EHS conferences. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree and a Master of Science degree in Occupational Safety and Health from Murray State University in Murray, KY.
Articles by this author
Unleashing the power of emerging technologies in EHS
Elevating EHS in an era of global trends and regulations
Navigating the future: EHS workforce and training in a new era of tech
The five elements of a successful data-driven safety culture
Data, data everywhere – managing tech for HS professionals