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According to the Health & Safety Executive, there were 1.7 million work-related ill health cases in 2020/21. Work-related illnesses which have taken a long time to develop following past exposure to hazardous substances represent a significant number of these cases.
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations are in place to ensure employers control hazardous substances both in the short and long term. Breaches in COSHH compliance can result in personal injury claims, fines by the HSE and loss of reputation to your business.
In this webinar, the panel will discuss best practice and how to mitigate risk through effective COSHH compliance, including:
- Identifying immediate and latent exposure
- When to use a data sheet or a COSHH assessment
- Best practice in COSHH management
- Update on the latest regulatory and governance changes
- Overview of the REACH regulations
- How software can help you meet the challenge
The session will finish with a live Q&A session with Alcumus Sypol in-house experts.
With over 40 years of experience in the hazardous substance industry, Alcumus Sypol has earned its position as the UK’s go-to, credible provider of COSHH management solutions.