Have you ever thought about writing for SHP online? Or considered speaking in one of our seminars at Safety & Health Expo?We’re looking for new (and seasoned!) writers and speakers to tell our thriving health and safety community about the things you think are important to the profession.We are asking you to submit proposals for any interesting content ideas that you would like to share.
As a first step for online content, SHP recommends that contributors submit a synopsis that provides a summary of what the article will be about and bullet-points of the key areas to be covered. Although we won’t refuse to publish unsolicited articles outright, we are less likely to use any articles that require considerable editing, especially if this is to reduce excessive length.We need to be confident that the potential contributor has a clear idea about why they are writing the article, can explain what value it brings to an ongoing discussion and the wider membership, and can outline how they intend to guide the reader through to a logical conclusion.To submit an idea for SHP online or to express interest to be approached as a speaker, please fill in the form to the right and we will get back to you.
Alternatively, email [email protected] directly with your idea.