Verdantix: Airsweb’s AVA platform successfully applies graph technology to EHS

This report, written by market-leading analyst, Verdantix, explores and discusses the key benefits of Airsweb’s ‘ground-breaking new platform built on graph database technology.’

Verdantix Airswebs AVA Platform Successfully Applies Graph Technology To EHSFill in the form opposite to get the full report and learn:

  • The benefits of Airsweb AVA;
  • Why Verdantix believes Graph Technology will bring benefits to EHS data analysis;
  • How Airsweb AVA can facilitate real-time risk management through natural language queries.

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Webinar: Frictionless Reporting: Leveraging the latest tech in EHS incident management

In this webinar, taking place on Wednesday 6 May, find out how digital tools can empower people to report incidents easily, effortlessly, anonymously (if required), and instantly. Airsweb calls this Frictionless Reporting and says it will change the way EHS incidents are reported and managed.

Register for this webinar here.

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