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May 5, 2018

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Eye Care

Benefiting from workplace eye care

89% of employees value eye care, but employers spend less time communicating it than other benefits.

New research from Specsavers Corporate Eyecare shows how employers and employees value eye care as an employee benefit.

Undertaken among over 500 senior decision makers from companies across the UK, the research revealed that 89% of employers believe their employees value eye care as much or more highly than other benefits. It also showed that 88% of employers believe eye care contributes to the overall health and wellbeing of their staff.

Jim Lythgow, Director of Strategic Alliances at Specsavers Corporate Eyecare, said: “We are delighted that eye care is being taken so seriously among UK companies and organisations. It would appear that it is viewed as an employee benefit in itself and not just as an obligatory provision for matters like the DSE regulations.

“Employers are clearly valuing the wider benefits of eye care, appreciating the contribution it makes in helping to maintain and improve employees’ health and wellbeing.”

Indeed, an eye examination can assist with the detection and monitoring of many serious illnesses, including heart disease, diabetes and cancer, as well as more minor ailments such as headaches, tired eyes and migraines.

Yet, 26% of employers stated they spend less time sourcing and communicating eye care than they do on other benefits. Jim Lythgow commented: “Many employers are likely to see sourcing an eye care supplier as less onerous than the sourcing of providers for some other benefits. This is a positive, making eye care a straightforward benefit to offer employees. However, we would like to see more time given to the communication of eye care.

“Employers may assume it’s easily understood by their staff, but not all employees will appreciate the extent that it can help to contribute to their overall health and wellbeing and the range of illnesses that can be detected.

“It’s also important that employers let their staff know that the benefit is offered; while employers may be aware of their obligations, not all employees will know whether they are entitled to an employer-funded eye care benefit.”

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Benefiting from workplace eye care 89% of employees value eye care, but employers spend less time communicating it than other benefits. New research from Specsavers
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