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Workplace Hazards

Using data to battle exposure

Tim Marsh analyses the data and around PPE. Read More

New safety leadership institute ready to stage inaugural event in London

In Berlin in March this year a new Institute was launched to drive progress in safety leadership, and next month it will hold its first event in London. Read More

Why Health and Safety Compliance Software is Vital in the UK Construction Industry

Health and safety compliance software has become an indispensable tool for ensuring that construction companies meet their legal obligations, protect workers, and enhance operational efficiency. Here's why this technology is so vital for the UK construction industry. Read More

How Artificial Intelligence Is Making Chemical Safety Smarter.

Artificial intelligence has been one of the hot button topics of the last couple of years and its transformative potential has led to a boom in innovation as organisations and individuals look for new ways to tap into it. Read More

What are the benefits of IOSH Managing Safely?

IOSH health and safety qualifications are recognised worldwide, so you can trust that training is high quality and up to date. Here we share the extensive benefits IOSH Managing Safely can bring your organisation. Read More

HAVS regulation and legislation

Tim Turney at Casella explains why HAVS legislation differs between the US and UK. Read More

Urgent action needed to tackle “epidemic” of long working hours, says IOSH

Half the UK’s workers regularly put in two or more additional hours without pay every week – many of them an hour or more a day – while more than half admit working while feeling too ill to do so, new survey findings reveal. Read More

CEO Spotlight – From the frontline to the forefront

Having began his career as a paramedic Jason Killens is now Chief Executive of the Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust. In this special episode of the Safety Conversation Podcast, he explains how his perspective of health and safety has shifted as he moved into a leadership role. Read More

Preventing workplace accidents with Behavioural Based Safety Programmes

Implementing a Behavioural Based Safety (BBS) Programme is an excellent strategy for addressing unsafe behaviours in the workplace. It can engage employees, help you drive a proactive safety culture, and provide a framework for obtaining key safety data to help you get ahead of risks and prevent accidents happening in the future. Read More

Eight (and a half) things that compliance and machinery safety consultants may not tell you

Tom Chaldecott, Machinery Safety and Legislation Consultant at Knox Thomas provides insight on staying on top of compliance in manufacturing. Read More

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