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December 28, 2022

most-read in 2022

SHP’s most-read in 2022

From the Building Safety Act to NCRQ, these are the stories and content that made our most-read list of 2022.

It’s been another interesting year in the profession. As we tentatively (hopefully) looked back at Covid-19, attention turned to the Building Safety Act as it received royal ascent, however much secondary legislation remains to be debated and is sure to be a hot topic in 2023.

Elsewhere, the banning of hand-held mobile phone while driving made headlines; and the demise of NCRQ filled our comment sections with many disgruntled students.

An important update to PPE regulations made our list and Sainsbury’s £1m fine was one of our highest in-court stories, while our dedicated page to the latest prosecutions remains a focal point for our readers as it retained its number one spot from last year.

  1. Latest health & safety fines and prosecutions

  2. SHP on-demand webinars

  3. PPE: Complete guide to Personal Protective Equipment

  4. Health and safety at work etc act 1974 explained

  5. NCRQ to stop delivering qualifications

  6. IOSH membership levels explained

  7. PPE at work regulations updated

  8. Building Safety Bill: Bill receives Royal Assent to become the Building Safety Act

  9. Government make it illegal to use a hand-held mobile phone while driving

  10. Sainsbury’s fined £1m after customer suffers ‘horrific injuries’

SHP’s most-read in 2022 From the Building Safety Act to NCRQ, these are the stories and content that made our most-read list of 2022.
SHP - Health and Safety News, Legislation, PPE, CPD and Resources

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