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February 9, 2021

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Arco shares guidance on flood recovery

With heavy rainfall still predicted and water levels high following recent snow and storms in many parts of the UK, Arco has shared guidance on cleaning and sanitising after a flood.

business flood in UKRecovery can be a lengthy and distressing experience for individuals and communities and Arco is supporting flood victims and those involved in the clear up operation, which advises on how to clean up effectively and safely.

The impact of flooding can be devastating, not just because those affected experience the trauma of the event, but also the damage to the property, its contents and the effect on safety and hygiene standards. Flooding may also put employees at risk and stop work in its tracks, affecting productivity and livelihoods, so the clear up operation is critical. There has been at least one major flood in the UK every year since 1998 and, as a stark reminder of the impact this can cause, 40% of businesses do not reopen after suffering damage from a flood.

The Department for Environment and Rural Affairs estimates that the cost of damage to commercial properties from flooding, could increase from £560 million to £3 billion per annum by the 2050s in the UK.

When it is safe to return to the premises, the first action should be to assess all potential hazards. Hygiene should be prioritised as many health risks can arise, for example when wastewater and flood water mix. For those working on the clear-up, PPE is crucial, not only to prevent infection from contaminated flood water but to help prevent other accidents such as slips and trips, ensuring the work is completely quickly and safely.

As a core funder to the National Emergencies Trust, Arco is helping the NET which is supporting the local flood response teams in addition to its flooding support.

Arco advises that businesses are fully ‘prepared’, by being aware if their area is susceptible to flooding, if their building is at risk, signing up to flood warnings and putting a flood plan in place.

A key aspect in the ‘response’ phase is keep people safe, protect what you can and put flood protection in place, as well as maintaining hygiene when possible.

It also providence advice on the ‘recovery’ phase, from pumping out water, drying out your property and cleaning thoroughly.

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Arco shares guidance on flood recovery With heavy rainfall still predicted and water levels high following recent snow and storms in many parts of the UK, Arco has shared guidance on cleaning and sanitising after a flood.
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