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August 4, 2014

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Fire door safety campaign reignites interest in safety issue

The British Woodworking Federation (BWF) and BWF-CERTIFIRE are launching fire door safety week next month to raise awareness of the critical role fire doors play in passive fire protection in commercial, public and multiple occupancy buildings. 

Returning after a successful campaign last year, fire door safety week takes place between 15-21 September and is designed to highlight the importance of properly installing and maintaining fire doors. 

Fire doors are often the first line of defence in a fire and their correct specification, maintenance and management can be the difference between life and death for building occupants, argue the campaigners. However, they remain a significant area of neglect.

Last year, fire door safety week reached over 6.5 million people and received widespread support, including from the fire minister, fire industry leaders and fire and rescue services.

Yet despite this support, prosecutions under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order continue to be brought against building managers and property managers who neglect their responsibility to ensure fire doors are installed and properly maintained.

To pledge support, visit:

Fire door safety campaign reignites interest in safety issue The British Woodworking Federation (BWF) and BWF-CERTIFIRE are launching fire door safety week next month to raise awareness of the critical role fire doors play in passive fire protection in commercial, public and multiple occupancy buildings.
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