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October 14, 2010

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Construction champion is IOSH Ireland’s person of the year

One of Ireland’s foremost experts in construction safety has been named the Occupational Safety and Health Person of the Year by the IOSH Ireland branch.

In a career spanning more than 40 years Peter McCabe made a huge contribution to construction safety in Ireland, particularly through his work with the Construction Industry Federation (CIF) and the Construction Safety Partnership, of which he is coordinator. He was instrumental in the development and establishment of the Safe-T-Cert safety management system for the construction industry in Ireland, as well as the skills certification scheme, Safe Pass.

At a ceremony in Dublin’s Merrion Hotel on Tuesday (12 October) the Irish minister for labour affairs and public service transformation, Dara Calleary (right, in the picture), emphasised the importance of recognising the contribution of individuals like Peter to creating a positive health and safety culture.

He said: “Yes, we are going through tough times right now but we cannot relegate health and safety below economic concerns. It is as important today as it has always been. People’s lives are more important than figures at the end of a balance sheet.”

The minister presented Peter with a beautiful piece of hand-carved, 4000-year-old Irish bog wood, which IOSH chief executive, Rob Strange, explained – partly in Gaelic! – represented the circle of life and people working towards a common goal.

Added Rob: “The Ireland branch is IOSH’s biggest international branch, with more than 1800 members, and is the first official office outside of the UK. Its hard work has led to a number of great successes, including the accreditation of health and safety courses in institutes of higher learning, and the opportunity to work with large organisations, like Diageo and Pilz. This award recognises the work of all those in Ireland to make the world of work safer for everybody.”

Peter McCabe accepted the award on behalf of “all the IOSH members who have contributed to significant improvements in the last decade” and echoed the minister’s assertion that now is not the time to take the foot off the pedal.

He said: “Construction is going through a very difficult time right now and for the safety people who were there when times were good, there is still a big contribution to make, and we at IOSH need to assist them.”

One way to achieve this, he suggested, was through closer working and harmonisation with colleagues in the UK and Northern Ireland. Peter explained: “Too often, we end up with different versions of the same thing, and I have been particularly disappointed that we haven’t been able to achieve better cooperation on qualifications.”

Collaboration with IOSH colleagues, however, has always been “very solid and professional”, he said, particularly on the development of Managing safely. Peter also praised the Irish Health and Safety Authority and its work on the Construction Safety Partnership, which, he said, is now about “total partnership, involving employers, employees, government, clients, and now IOSH as well”.

Peter concluded by predicting what is in store for health and safety in Ireland in the coming years: “Major challenges still lie ahead. The model of partnership will prevail, and occupational health will prevail more in construction. IOSH members need to look at different ways of developing qualifications and competence.”

And, while he had the minister’s ear, he warned against any “slimming down” of the Health and Safety Authority’s resources, and called for a overhaul of the four-year-old Safe Pass system, which, he suggested, “has run its course” and should be handed back to the Construction Safety Partnership, the HSA and the social partners.

The event was brought to a close by IOSH president John Holden, who congratulated Peter on his award and lauded him as a health and safety hero, saying: “Through what Peter does, he fights against the negative headlines. Events like this celebrate and recognise the people out there in the field working to drive down fatalities and ill health at work.”

Construction champion is IOSH Ireland’s person of the year One of Ireland's foremost experts in construction safety has been named the Occupational Safety and Health Person of the Year by the IOSH Ireland branch.
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