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July 31, 2019

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Lone workers

Orbis Protect joins forces with TBS to provide single access point for lone workers

A new partnership between a property management and lone worker protector company, and a field service and mobile workforce management solutions company has produced a new solution for lone worker protection.

Uxbridge-based protection provider, Orbis Protect, has collaborated with workforce tech specialist TBS, in a move that integrates lone worker security technology with users’ management platforms, making them accessible through a single device.

Shaun Wilcock

Orbis Protect’s Chief Technology Officer, Shaun Wilcock, said: “This new relationship is a ground-breaking development for the industry, because it streamlines processes and provides users who work alone without direct supervision with the software to get jobs done more quickly. This has significant bottom line benefits for employers and ultimately helps to keep users safer.”

Orbis Protect provides devices for more than 30,000 lone-workers every day, using sophisticated technology backed up by a responsive, knowledgeable support team. Its Clients include Ocado, the NHS, Transport for London.

TBS’ workforce management platform provides features including mobile working, scheduling, job planning, Internet of Things and real time management of an organisation’s workforce.

Given that lone workers do not have any assistance, they are greatly exposed to risk. Orbis Protect and TBS’ innovative aims to combat this by boosting reliability and engagement levels with lone worker security technology.

Jon Poynton

TBS Managing Director, Jon Poynton explained that: “Organisations today have a legal duty of care to protect their lone workers and colleagues who work alone. Our partnership with Orbis Protect will offer a smart solution to a long-standing challenge faced by the lone worker protection sector”.

The solution integrates mobile workforce management and alarm buttons, which lone workers can access using mobile devices to communicate with support teams, if they require assistance. This also enables workers to have a single point access rather than a second protection device.

It can also help major employers increase their savings by cutting funds for PDA devices, that are often underused by lone workers. TBS Manager stated that “[it] thinks this will have far-reaching consequences, by offering users a much easier way to provide details about their location, communicate with members of a support team and ultimately ensure workers’ safety”.

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Orbis Protect joins forces with TBS to provide single access point for lone workers A new partnership between technology and management solutions company have produced a new solution for lone workers protection.
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