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April 28, 2015

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Regulations change for notifiable non-licenced work

Medical examinations will be required for all workers carrying out notifiable non-licenced work on asbestos from 1 May 2015.

The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 requires medical surveillance for workers undertaking licensed asbestos work, and from 1st May 2015, will also cover workers carrying out Notifiable Non-Licensed Work (NNLW) on asbestos.

A worker planning to carry out any NNLW, on or after 1st May 2015, must have a medical examination before this work can be commenced, unless the worker has had a suitable examination in the previous three years.

These examinations can be carried out by an appropriate fully registered medical practitioner and must be repeated every three years (or before if advised by the medical practitioner) while this type of work is undertaken or excepted to be undertaken.

“For workers in the asbestos removal industry medical vigilance is vitally important due to the serious health issues related to exposure to asbestos. Covering NNLW will provide workers with facts on their health, as well as emphasise to them the importance of control measures and good working practices within the industry,” commented Steve Sadley, Chief Executive of the Asbestos Removal Contractors Association.

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Regulations change for notifiable non-licenced work Medical examinations will be required for all workers carrying out notifiable non-licenced work on asbestos from 1 May 2015. The
SHP - Health and Safety News, Legislation, PPE, CPD and Resources

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