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Adam Bannister


Adam Bannister is a freelancer journalist who has held various editorial positions, including as editor of SHP's partner publication for security & fire safety, IFSEC Insider (formally IFSEC Global).

Articles by this author

‘I died twice’ – the story of a North Sea oil rig accident

‘We have global aspirations’: LEAP Scheme GM on his vision for a safer leisure sector

Leading indicators and preventing serious injuries and fatalities: ISN’s Ryan Rodriguez previews SHE 2023 talk

‘They were just waiting for injuries to happen’: How predictive maintenance inspired a smart wearable solution to ergonomic risk

‘Organisations rarely evaluate the impact of psychological health interventions’: HSE’s Phoebe Smith on risk assessments for work-related stress

Expo preview: IOSH keynotes on the benefits of cross-team collaboration

IOSH President and Head of Policy on safe, healthy workplaces as a human right

Lessons from court: health and safety solicitor Amy Sadro previews Safety & Health Expo talk on workplace accidents

‘Person-centred support needn’t cost a penny’ – Mind’s Andrew Berrie previews Safety & Health Expo 2023 presentation

‘We must predict to be preventative’: Mental health support dos and don’ts from SHE keynote speaker Duncan Spencer

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Environmental, Social & Governance White Paper

Improving Workplace Safety: Personality Assessments to improve organisational safety culture

Strong foundation – embedding safety culture in your frontline workers

Contractor Selection and Management in Times of Labour Shortage

Streamlining your safety processes to drive proactive improvements across your business

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