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Are you in control of your accident and incident management reporting?

When people think of accidents at work, their mind tends to automatically imagine slips, trips and falls or people working at height. However, these are just a few examples of the dozens of potential work-related accident and incidents that organisations need to be aware of.

Accidents and Incidents Management Reporting GuideThis is why accident and incident management is high on the agenda for businesses, industry regulators and the Government.

With the stringent enforcement of health and safety legislation and a growing number of high-profile prosecutions by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) dominating the news, organisations are now under increasing pressure to manage their accident and incident reporting effectively. These guidelines bring about the need to collect more data than ever before and thus, it is vital that businesses adopt a sophisticated way to manage their health and safety reporting.

This guide from Alcumus Info Exchange discusses the challenges companies face when managing their accidents and incidents, how the use of software can mitigate these challenges and, in turn, reduce the accidents and incidents that occur in the workplace.

Simply fill in the form opposite to download the guide and find out more.

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Are you in control of your accident and incident management reporting? When people think of accidents at work, their mind tends to automatically imagine slips, trips and falls or people working at height. However, these are just a few examples of the dozens of potential work-related accident and incidents that organisations need to be aware of.
SHP - Health and Safety News, Legislation, PPE, CPD and Resources
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