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January 23, 2014

Security software – Smart PAL Card


The International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) has launched a Smart PAL (Powered Access Licence) Card to ensure that only trained operators can use mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs) on site.

IPAF says that the Smart PAL Card looks the same as the standard PAL Card, with the only difference being that the Smart PAL Card is marked by a wireless icon and has a chip embedded in it.

The company says the data in the chip can be read by a card reader fitted to the machine. The reader can be set up to accept certain data, which will, in turn, allow the machine to be operated.

The data in the card includes whether or not the cardholder is trained, to what level and in which machine categories. IPAF says that no additional personal contact detail are contained within the card. IPAF and its approved training centres say they keep any personal data secure in line with data protection legislation.

According to IPAF, using a Smart PAL Card along with a reader device can allow control of machine access and thereby improve site safety. Managers can use the system to ensure that only correctly trained operators can operate MEWPs or MCWPs (mast climbing work platforms).They can also track who has used which machine for how long, and prevent fraudulent use.

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