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Women in Health and Safety is a thriving network of people who support gender equality and want to see women flourish in the health & safety profession. The group connect in-person and online. Its get-togethers are free to attend and open to all, and both men and women are actively encouraged to join.Click here for more:
July 6, 2021

Women in Health & Safety

The Building Safety Bill and the role of fire engineers in fire and building safety

The Women in Health & Safety network’s next virtual event takes place on Tuesday July 20. The event is free to attend and is open to all, male and female, member and non-members.

Women in health & safety logoDate: Tuesday 20 July 2021

Time: 11:00 – 12:00 BST


The Grenfell Tower tragedy exposed failings in the building and management of high-rise homes. In order to address those failings, improve standards in industry and to ensure people feel safe in their homes, the government has published the Building Safety Bill which will introduce a new regulatory regime for the management of fire and building safety in higher risk buildings.

Join us for a roundtable discussion about the new building safety regime and how the role of Fire Engineers is changing as a result of the Building Safety Bill. Claire Morrissey, a Principal Associate at Shoosmiths LLP has teamed up with Fire Engineers Kate Swinburne, Sarah Ward and Janine Osbourne of OFR Consultants to discuss the key legal and practical issues arising from the Building Safety Bill. The world of construction and fire engineering is often perceived as a male dominated working environment and Kate, Sarah and Janine will provide their views on how their roles have and continue to evolve in an environment which is undergoing seismic shifts both culturally and professionally.

Click here to book your free place for The Building Safety Bill event.

Claire Morrissey, Principal Associate, Shoosmiths

Claire Morrissey - ShoosmithsClaire is an experienced regulatory criminal defence lawyer who advises businesses and individuals on a wide range of contentious and non-contentious issues.

She has worked with clients on investigations, inquests, public inquiries and prosecutions in areas including health and safety, food safety, fire safety, inquests, product safety and age restricted sales as well as bribery and money laundering.

Claire’s most high profile work has included the investigations into Hillsborough tragedy, the Buncefield explosion and the Grenfell Tower fire.

Sarah Ward, AAs MIFireE, Principal Fire Engineer

Sarah Ward - OFRSarah has over 15 years’ experience in fire safety starting off in the design of fire protection systems in her native Las Vegas. Sarah has worked for over 10 years in fire engineering based in the UK and London working on prestigious projects such as the Houses of Parliament and Crossrail.

Sarah is best known for her strategic experience in the coordination and delivery of critical QDR, CPFR (Crossrail Programme Functional Requirements) and Fire Strategy commitments for stakeholder acceptance on Crossrail. Sarah is also a member of the IFE Special Interest Group for Transport and has been involved in the drafting of the new British Standard BS 999.

Janine Osbourne, MEng, AIFireE, Principal Fire Engineer

Janine Osborne - OFRJanine has over four years’ experience working on projects in the South East. Before joining OFR Consultants, Janine worked for consultancies including AECOM and JGA, working across a wide variety of construction and development stages.

Janine has been involved on high profile projects including the BBC London portfolio, Northern Estates Parliament, Lakeside Leisure, intu Broadmarsh, and several plots at Wembley City.

Click here to book your free place for The Building Safety Bill event.

The Women in Health & Safety Network recently hosted, ‘A pandemic within a pandemic’, a panel discussion on domestic abuse. Read more here…

Women in Health and Safety is a thriving network of people who support gender equality and want to see women flourish in the health & safety profession. Set up by SHP in 2015, it’s a hub of events, content and networking opportunities. Get-togethers and resources are always completely free and open to all, and both men and women are actively encouraged to join…

For more information on the Women in Health and Safety network and to join this free community, click here.

SHP Meets Women in Health and Safety

One of the goals of this network is to amplify the voices of women in the profession. Some of the topics covered in this interview series affect women more than men and the hope is that the issues discussed resonate with readers, perhaps making some feel less alone, perhaps even giving some the confidence to share their own stories….

Safety & Health Podcast

Listen, as Heather Beach, Chair of the Women in Health and Safety Network in the UK, discusses how the pandemic has affected the network, it’s plans for 2021 and how you can get involved. Plus, learn about the new International Women in Safety Coalition.

Subscribe and tune in the Safety & Health Podcast to discover the latest issues facing the health and safety profession, and stay on-top of the developments affecting your role, from working at height, lone working and common workplace hazards, to safety culture, behaviours, occupational health and mental health and wellbeing.

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