August 20, 2018

Women in Health and Safety

Introducing, 2018 Women in Health & Safety panel

Women in Health and Safety is a thriving network of people who support gender equality and want to see women flourish in our profession.

judith grant maceOn the second day of Safety & Health Expo in June, the 2018 Women in Health & Safety panel was introduced. The event marked the beginning of a one-year tenure for newly appointed, Judith Grant.

“I am delighted to have been nominated as this year’s Chair of Women in Health and Safety.

“With more members on the committee this year from a range of disciplines in Health and Safety, and more members of WIHS than ever, I am looking forward to seeing an increase in the number of events we hold over the next year and with that an increase in networking opportunities that ensure we continue to support and promote women in health and safety.”

Judith is the Associate Director – Health & Wellbeing, at Mace and is responsible for strategic wellbeing, occupational hygiene and occupational health delivery across the global construction, consultancy and facilities management business. As the former Group Head of Occupational Health and Wellbeing at Royal Mail Group Judith achieved success in developing and delivering wellbeing strategy and programmes in addition to overseeing occupational health and wellbeing contracts. With a background that includes working in community health for a local authority, in corporate health promoting wellbeing programmes to businesses and personal training both for a gym and privately, Judith has a varied background in health and wellbeing promotion.

Earlier this year, Judith hosted an event on behalf of Women in Health and Safety, where she spoke about the importance of tangible and strategic wellbeing at work. “You can have as many wellbeing programmes as you like – but if you’re killing people with exposure to dust or stress, then they are not worth the paper they are written on.” She said. “First we must aim to do no harm; promote good health, yes – but don’t expose your workers to ill health.”

Judith, being introduced to the audience below (right), will hold the position of Chair until June 2019.

women in health and safetyThe new committee

Fiona Anniss, Associate Director – Health & Safety, Capita Real Estate

Kizzy Augustin, Partner, Russell Cooke LLP

Kizzy will aim to demonstrate that women can reach senior positions and influence others in a health and safety context. She is keen to “connect an share ideas with like-minded individuals to encourage the next generation of female health and safety graduates”.

Heather Beach, Managing Director, The Healthy Work Company

Heather has been running businesses in health and safety for over 20 year. Having run Barbour, SHP and Safety and Health Expo, she is now running her own business called Healthy Work.

Aoife Devaney, Health and Safety Assistant, St George Developments

“I feel very passionately about making a change in this field and feel my strong interest and influencing ability will inform and enlighten people on what women can achieve. The balance of women within this sector needs to be addressed and changed.”

Charlotte Geoghegan, Head of Content, SHP and Safety & Health Expo

Charlotte Geoghegan is Head of Content for UBM’s Protection & Management portfolio, which includes SHP, Safety & Health Expo, IFSEC, FIREX, Facilities Show and Field Service Management Expo.

Carly Gilbert, Safety Manager, Media Safety Management

Lesley Heath, Safety Director, West Midlands Trains.

Lesley joined the panel with the aim of working with likeminded people to make the changes needed for the women’s agenda. She said: “The rail industry is very male dominated and there has not been much change over the years I have been working. The true change can be made by collaboration and trusted connections making a concerted effort to bring this change.

Emma Hughes, Collaboration Learning and Improvement Champion, A-one+ Integrated Highway Services

“I’m really passionate about spreading the word and encouraging others to look at health and wellbeing.”

Karen McDonnell, Occupational Health & Safety Policy Adviser, RoSPA

Karen has participated in the network since the beginning, organising the first regional event.

Barbara Marino, Director, ORSA projects

“I see this opportunity as a platform to discuss, exchange ideas, share experiences and collaborate to elevate many health and safety topics, which not only are pertinent to women but the wider sector in general.”

Katherine Randell, Head of Health & Safety, Canary Wharf Group

“I believe in inspiring the next generation of women into the health and safety field and the committee is such a fantastic way to be able to do this. I have been fortunate to progress into a senior role at a relatively young age and I would like to be able to demonstrate to other young women how satisfying a career it truly can be.”

“I am also passionate about smashing the glass ceiling for women within this industry and I believe that women need to start taking the reins much more firmly in order for change to occur. The skills needed to be an effective leader within the health and safety domain sit brilliantly alongside the skills that a lot of women have, however due to various factors these are not seen and promoted as strongly as men.”

Clare Richardson, H&S Consultant, Gateway HSW Consultants

Clare has a wide range of experience in the field of health and safety, including large infrastructure projects, construction and rail.

Rhaynukaa Soni, RLS Consultants

Angelina Sooren, Group HSEQ Director, Churchill

Shelley Stiles, Director, 2020 SHE Solutions Ltd

Shelley brings 17 years’ experience in a male dominated industry, working on high profile and challenging construction projects. Having previously supported CECA Women in Construction events, being a mentor to colleagues wishing to develop their skills, she sees the panel as another opportunity to promote the important role women have at work, cognisant of balancing being a good parent, a positive role model for her children, and having a career which she is proud of.

Charlotte Taylor, Senior Health & Safety Advisory, Morgan Sindall

“I am passionate about Health and Safety and will benefit from meeting like-minded women working within the industry.”

Upcoming events

Click here to learn more about Women in Heath and Safety and how to get involved.

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Robin Dobson
Robin Dobson
6 years ago

I am strongly in favour of equality. All genders if they have the required competences should be equally considered. Not sex but skill. Women’s groups increase the division between the genders by creating false divides and resentment as there now seems to be a biased attitude towards the advancement of women at the expense of other genders. Better use of resources would be to concentrate on improving health and safety regardless of gender.