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July 8, 2011

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Joining forces – Union staff wise up to well-being

The Liverpool office of the GMB union has signed up to the Health@Work initiative to help improve its workers’ health and well-being and work towards achieving the Workplace Well-being Charter – an award for businesses committed to workplace health.

The Charter provides free advice and support and focuses on seven key areas: leadership; sickness and absence management; alcohol and substance misuse; smoking; mental health and stress; healthy eating; and physical activity.

Advisors from the Health@Work charity have already delivered a seminar for GMB staff, and at the union’s conference to mark International Women’s Day. The seminars promoted a healthy way of life and focused on diet, exercises and healthy living, clearing up a lot of misconceptions held by GMB staff on what they believed was healthy.

Regional secretary Paul McCarthy said “The work we have done with Health@Work so far has been very beneficial, and the feedback from staff has been excellent. It is definitely a learning curve for our staff, as they have started to look at themselves in a different light and are looking at their lifestyle a little more closely.”

Health@Work chief executive Frances Molloy (pictured) added: “It is great that a large organisation such as the GMB has signed up to be part of the Workplace Well-being Charter. They are committed to looking after the well-being of their staff and it is good to see their employees really get involved in with the programme and take our advice on board.”

For more information, visit

What makes us susceptible to burnout?

In this episode  of the Safety & Health Podcast, ‘Burnout, stress and being human’, Heather Beach is joined by Stacy Thomson to discuss burnout, perfectionism and how to deal with burnout as an individual, as management and as an organisation.

We provide an insight on how to tackle burnout and why mental health is such a taboo subject, particularly in the workplace.


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