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Jenna Kamal is the copywriter for UBM’s Protection & Management series, including Safety & Health Expo. She is also the resident playwright of Rumble Theatre, where her writing focuses on wellbeing and mental health.
September 10, 2018


3 Risks to employee wellbeing and how to avoid them

It’s not just a fall which may injure or kill someone in the workplace. Employee wellbeing can be affected by a stressful environment or workload, a bullying culture, or a sexist boss.

The wellbeing of the workforce should be at the top of every manager’s in-tray. Learn more about some of the many wellbeing risks your company faces on a daily basis in this video, and download SHP’s free ‘Road to Wellbeing eBook‘.

Road to Wellbeing

Featuring thought leadership articles from a broad range of experts, The Road to Wellbeing looks at overcoming macho culture, self-reliance, dealing with life-changing obstacles and battles with mental health.

The profession has often focused primarily on safety over health, but this eBook highlights the value of focussing on wellbeing and the benefits to both workers and businesses. Covering:

  • Opinions: How to address mental health in the workplaceThe road to wellbeing
  • Spotting the difference between a bully & fear-motivated behaviour
  • Macho culture negatively impacts health and safety
  • Are lunch-breaks important for staff health?
  • How to reduce stress and strengthen the resilience of lone workers
  • Safety & Health Expo: Key lessons from the Lone Worker Theatre
  • Director offers harrowing insight into workplace death
  • Risk assessment – What are you doing wrong?
  • Professionals must have ‘soft’ skills set, panel claims
  • Tackling work-related health and not just safety hazards
  • Dame Kelly Holmes captivates the crowds at Safety & Health Expo
  • Brian Cox draws Safety & Health Expo’s biggest ever keynote audience
  • Simon Weston: “It’s all about self-belief.”

The eBook also recaps keynote speeches from Safety & Health Expo, with inspirational speakers shedding light on moving, personal experiences, and connecting their stories’ to the larger world of wellbeing. Dame Kelly Holmes spoke of her battle with mental health issues, Professor Brian Cox raised questions about human resilience and Simon Weston CBE brought his audience close to tears in discussing the significance of self-belief.

Beyond being case-by-case examples from courageous individuals, these singular lessons can be applied to whole organisational cultures. Discover the practical steps you can take to cultivate an environment of wellbeing and listen to the latest conversations around health and safety.

Click here to download for free.

What makes us susceptible to burnout?

In this episode  of the Safety & Health Podcast, ‘Burnout, stress and being human’, Heather Beach is joined by Stacy Thomson to discuss burnout, perfectionism and how to deal with burnout as an individual, as management and as an organisation.

We provide an insight on how to tackle burnout and why mental health is such a taboo subject, particularly in the workplace.


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Nigel Evelyn-Dupree
Nigel Evelyn-Dupree
6 years ago

Still cannot workout whether Dot Gov, H&S Agencies, minister of Digital Culture and other professionals still sustaining a position of “denial”, arrogance or ignorance, maybe just plain expediency to avoid like, you know, “don’t mention the” 2/3 of presenteeism, 30 days a year, linked directly to lack of exposure control and sub-optimal screen ergonomics manifesting in early onset eye-strain, CVS, Screen fatigue or worse visual and physical RSI’s, now recognised as a Global Pandemic by the WHO ICD 10th revision under the heading of eye-strain driven visual “adaptation exhaustion injuries” or “Asthenopia” and/or, not only but also, WRULD’s and MSD’s… Read more »

Ann McCracken
Ann McCracken
6 years ago

“bullying & fear-motivated behaviour”, “mental health”, “macho culture”, “stress”….they are all just words and some people’s opinions. they need to be clear and measured so limited funds can be targeted appropriately and great practice and behaviour can be celebrated. Ask anyone in an organisation and they will tell you the people who motivate, care and innovate, supporting and encouraging their colleagues to effective working practices. Such people have empathy, clarity and insight as well as rigour and a conscience. Why not explore our measuring tool for large and small organisations and learn exactly what is going on in your organisation…..then… Read more »