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May 16, 2017

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UKATA turn the spotlight on Asbestos in soils at Safety & Health Expo

The use of brownsites, sites formerly used for industrial or commercial purposes is on the rise following the UK’S housing shortage and Prime Minister Theresa May’s pledge of 3 million new homes by 2030. As a result, this June at Safety & Health Expo, UKATA will be turning the spotlight on Asbestos in soil.

We caught up with them to find out what they’ll be doing at the show and why you need to come and speak to them.


What products are you planning to showcase at Safety & Health Expo?

We’ll be using our fourth attendance at the Safety and Health Expo to turn the spotlight on Asbestos in Soils. Visitors to our stand will be able to learn about the launch of two major new courses on Asbestos in Soils; an area of growing significance in a world focused on the development of brownfield land. The UK is short of housing and with three million new homes needed by 2030, Prime Minister Theresa May has targeted building a million homes by 2020. Greenfield building is mired in controversy, so the key will be brownfield redevelopment and asbestos in soils training will be an essential requirement.

Who are you hoping to meet at the show?

We hope to meet potential new Members of UKATA, companies, businesses and individuals wishing to undertake the delivery of asbestos training as a UKATA Approved Training Provider. We exist to set and verify standards and to emphasise the importance of best practice in training when it comes to the safe handling, removal and disposal of asbestos.

What is your USP, what sets you apart from your competitors?

UKATA was Tasked by the HSE in 2008 for taking-on, managing and developing the list of training providers for licensed asbestos work in the UK, UKATA is now the leading authority in all levels of asbestos training in the UK. All our training courses and trainers follow a strict audit and verification process.

Are you running any deals or offers for people at the show?

UKATA will promote Train Safe, Work Safe, Keep Safe campaign (1 September–31 October), which provides free asbestos training for those who most need it but the asbestos in soils courses will dominate the agenda, with so many unaware of the significance. Those eligible to take part in the campaign include small businesses/ SMEs, DIY Enthusiasts.

Is there anything else you’d like to mention?

Membership opportunities are available and the Expo Team would be happy to provide guidance in locating your nearest UKATA Approved training provider. Drop by our stand at Safety & Health Expo and we can have a chat.

A full list of UKATA Approved training courses are as follows:

  • Asbestos Awareness
  • Non Licensable Work with Asbestos
  • Licensable Work with Asbestos
  • Duty to Manage
  • Duty to Manage Appointed Person
  • RPE – Competent Person
  • Asbestos in Soils Awareness
  • Asbestos in Soils

Stand No: S165
Country: United Kingdom
Product areas: Asbestos Control, Occupational Health, Hazardous Materials, Respiratory Protection,
What they do: UK Asbestos Training Association (UKATA) was created by those in the industry who had the vision and belief that it is possible to improve and maintain higher standards for asbestos training through an Association.

What makes us susceptible to burnout?

In this episode  of the Safety & Health Podcast, ‘Burnout, stress and being human’, Heather Beach is joined by Stacy Thomson to discuss burnout, perfectionism and how to deal with burnout as an individual, as management and as an organisation.

We provide an insight on how to tackle burnout and why mental health is such a taboo subject, particularly in the workplace.


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