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June 24, 2013

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Managing risks for young drivers

Two new reports are available for fleet operators on how to manage risks for young drivers.

Road-safety charity Brake has issued a survey report and best-practice guidance as part of its campaign to help organisations improve fleet safety.

The guidance includes expert advice on young drivers at work and is published alongside the first of four reports on a recent Brake survey of fleet managers. Both reports provide insight into the risks posed by employing novice drivers and advice on how to minimise those risks to maximise the safety of the whole fleet.

The charity points out that traffic fatalities are the most common cause of death for 15 to 24-year-olds worldwide. It says because at-work drivers of any age are up to 26 per cent more likely to crash than other drivers, it is vital for fleet managers to take action to manage this high-risk group.

Roz Cumming, professional engagement manager at Brake, said: “Fleet managers must be proactive in managing the risks associated with young drivers. This includes keeping an up-to-date record of drivers’ ages, as well as detailed records of drivers’ involvement in crashes.

“These reports highlight the importance of managing young driver risk, and provide practical steps for fleet managers to follow. I’d urge anyone who doesn’t already subscribe to sign up to Brake’s Fleet Safety Forum to get access to these resources and many others like them.’

The reports are available free to Fleet Safety Forum subscribers, or can be purchased as a ‘young drivers at work’ pack for £7.50 by non-subscribers — e-mail [email protected] or call +44 (0)1484 559909 to order.

Driving for Better Safety - Free eBook download

This eBook will guide you through some of the key understandings you need to be able to manage driver safety effectively and, at the end, provide a series of free resources you can access to help you ensure your own driver safety management system is robust, legally compliant and in line with industry-accepted good practice.

Download this eBook from Driving for Better Business and SHP to cover:

  • Why do we need to manage driver safety?
  • Duty of care – a shared responsibility;
  • Setting the rules with a driving for work policy;
  • Managing driver safety;
  • Ensuring safe vehicles;
  • Safe journeys and fitness to drive;
  • Record keeping;
  • Reporting;
  • The business benefits of good practice;
  • Additional resources

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Andrew The Taxpayer
Andrew The Taxpayer
11 years ago

Having maanged a military vehicle fleet, where all the drivers are 18-25 I have some experience. If you’re 17-21, in the RLC and driving a DROPS lorry; you’re an accident looking for a location!

However Roz Cumming, I don’t see how keeping a record of young drivers’ accidents is proactive risk management. It is more like reactive data gathering.