World Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention Day: ‘Ensure workplace mental health support is communicated clearly and regularly’

For World Suicide Prevention Day (Sunday 10 September), SHP hears from GRiD on the importance of employers communicating support for mental health clearly and regularly. Read More

Jacobs’ plan for the World’s Biggest Mental Health Check-in

To coincide with World Mental Health Day, Jacobs is inviting all organisations and industries to come together and join them in touching one million lives. Read More

‘A lot more needs to be done to support families following the death of a relative due to poor mental health’- SHP speaks to Victoria Coates

SHP speaks to Victoria Coates, HSEQ Manager at DPS Group, about the lack of conversation surrounding mental health after tragically losing her brother to suicide. Read More

Workplace wellbeing charity says communication key in suicide prevention

“No one should be afraid to ask or tell someone that they are struggling,” says Mates in Mind Patron. The Read More

World Suicide Prevention Day 2021: Creating Hope Through Action

Friday 10 September marks World Suicide Prevention Day 2021. The international theme this year is set around ‘Creating Hope Through Action,’ with the focus being on exploring the complicated idea of ‘hope’ in suicide prevention. Read More

Talking to a suicidal employee can save their life

Employees and employers could potentially prevent their colleague from committing suicide, by simply engaging in an open conversation about it with them. Read More

World Suicide Prevention Day: ‘We have a big challenge ahead’, says Mates in Mind

There were over 6,500 suicides registered in the UK last year alone, highlighting the importance of days like World Suicide Prevention Day in the quest to help raise awareness about suicide prevention. Read More

Understanding suicide in construction

A recent Guardian report into suicides at the Hinkley Point C project is a call-for-action. Dr Nick Bell discusses the wider implications for the construction industry. Read More

World Suicide Prevention Day: Employers need to challenge their perceptions of suicide

10 Septembe marks World Suicide Prevention Day, shining a light on those who are at risk of taking their own life and those bereaved by suicide. The World Health Organization estimates that over 800,000 people take their own life each year. Up to 25 times as many again make a suicide attempt. Read More

World Suicide Prevention Day 2019: Download your resource pack and poster

Since its inception in 2013, World Suicide Prevention Day has grown into a global annual event, with the aim to raise awareness about preventing suicides. Read More


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