
Customers urged to respect shopworkers by continuing to wear a face covering in store

Retail trade union Usdaw has urged customers to continue observe COVID-safe measures, despite the Government ending the mandatory wearing of a face covering in shops in England. Read More

Usdaw disappointed by government response to protection of shop workers law

Retail trade union Usdaw has said it is disappointed by the government's response to a report from a cross-party committee of MPs that recommended a new criminal offence to protect shop workers, following an upsurge in violence and abuse. Read More

‘Over 90% of retail staff have been assaulted, threatened or abused in the last 12 months’

Union USDAW has urged shop workers to ‘report it to sort it,’ after preliminary results from a study highlighted the levels of abuse faced by retail staff. Read More

Violence and abuse against shop workers increasing

Violence and abuse against shop workers is on the rise but the perpetrators are rarely prosecuted, according to new research. Read More

Work-related violence and aggression: Don’t accept it. Report it. Prevent it.

In this article Helen Beers from the Health and Safety Executive and Sheena Johnson from the Alliance Manchester Business School at the University of Manchester discuss work-related violence and aggression – the importance of staff reporting incidents to their employers, and of employers understanding the problem and taking action to prevent it. Read More

Coronavirus: Retail staff put ‘at risk’ by early pub closing

Retail union Usdaw fears that new government regulations requiring pubs to close at 10pm is putting shop workers at a greater risk of violence, verbal abuse and coronavirus infection. Read More

Protecting shop workers from threats and violence

There are signs that a growing number of shopkeepers and others working in retail are facing assaults and threats from customers. Read More

‘Injured workers should retain fair access to legal representation’, says BSC

The British Safety Council has expressed its support for the Usdaw campaign for fair access to legal representation for injured workers. Read More

MPs urged to help injured workers get justice

Usdaw has called on MPs to help injured workers get compensation in the small claims court. The trade union is calling on politicians to block government plans to raise the threshold for injury cases taken in the small claims court to £2,000. Read More

Survey: Two-thirds of shopworkers verbally abused

Initial results from a survey by shopworkers union Usdaw have revealed nearly two-thirds have been verbally abused, 40% threatened and Read More

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