recession economy

How do periods of economic growth affect workplace injuries?

SHP speaks to Tanya Jenke, who has recently carried out a study to find whether economic growth, following a period of recession, has an impact on workplace injuries… Read More

How do periods of economic growth affect workplace injuries?

We are joined by Tanya Jenke, General Manager of Cority Australia, who has recently carried out a study, analysing over half a million occupational injuries in Western Australia between 2003-2019, to find whether economic growth following a period of recession has an impact on workplace injuries. Read More

Strict-liability proposal could amount to “nationalisation of rehabilitation”

The Government has reintroduced a proposal to reform the civil-compensation regime by removing strict liability for certain health and safety breaches, despite the House of Lords blocking the plans last month. Read More

Environment profession shows signs of growth

UK businesses are investing in 'green growth' and creating jobs for environmental professionals, according findings from the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment's latest annual survey of its members. Read More

Hostile’ political climate gives added weight to safety guide

In publishing a new edition of its workplace safety guide, the TUC says cuts in HSE enforcement activity have made the document more important than ever. Read More

Cost-cutting alert amid rise in corporate manslaughter investigations

Directors and senior managers who may be lulled into a false sense of security over the lack of corporate manslaughter convictions since 2008 have been warned against making cuts that might adversely impact on safety. Read More

Plant-downtime pressures are a threat to good maintenance, warns industry

Maintenance standards are in danger of being compromised because of the pressure to reduce plant downtime, according to more than a third of maintenance professionals questioned in a survey. Read More

Lack of inspections is encouraging safety standards to slide

The TUC believes that a growing number of employers has lost the fear of being caught for health and safety failings, as a result of the Government's scaling-back of regulatory inspections. Read More

Absence falls but presenteeism and stress are on the rise

Employee absence levels are on the slide in both the private and public sectors, but the falls could be masking deeper health problems in the workplace. Read More

New statutory code to underpin inspection cuts

From April next year, low-risk businesses such as shops and offices will no longer be subject to proactive health and safety inspections unless a genuine employee complaint or notification of an actual incident is made to the HSE. Read More

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Environmental, Social & Governance White Paper

Improving Workplace Safety: Personality Assessments to improve organisational safety culture

Strong foundation – embedding safety culture in your frontline workers

Contractor Selection and Management in Times of Labour Shortage

Streamlining your safety processes to drive proactive improvements across your business