domestic violence

Home Secretary launches national communications campaign which says ‘Enough’ to violence against women and girls

The Home Secretary has launched a new, multi-year national communications campaign which says ‘Enough’ to violence against women and girls. Read More

Women’s safety campaigners left ‘insulted’ by Home Office backing of women’s safety app

Women’s safety campaigners are calling the Home Office’s backing of an app that allows users to track their friends’ journeys home “insulting". Read More

Inspections to look at how schools and colleges work to prevent sexual harassment, online sexual abuse and sexual violence

Ofsted has published updated education inspection handbooks, clarifying how inspectors will assess how schools and colleges confront sexual harassment, abuse and violence among children and young people. Read More

Government to protect workers’ rights and clamp down on workplace abuse

A new workers’ watchdog is to be created to protect the rights of UK workers, the government has confirmed. Read More

Domestic Abuse: A toolkit for employers

Business in the Community (BITC) points out that employers have a duty of care and a legal responsibility to provide a safe and effective work environment. In this toolkit, it sets out advice to help organisations support employees and contribute to tackling domestic abuse. Read More

‘Domestic abuse is everybody’s business and people need to take a stand and listen’

Statistics from before the pandemic show that one in four women and one in six men will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime; 56% of employers say that domestic abuse leads to absenteeism and 54% to a reduction in quality of work... Read More

Employers have a ‘duty to spot early signs of domestic abuse’, says Business Minister

Paul Scully has urged employers to put plans in place to spot signs of domestic abuse and help affected staff find the necessary support. Read More

Domestic violence – a business issue?

Here ICRS speaks to Lorna Gavin, Head of Diversity, Inclusion & Corporate Responsibility at international law firm, Gowling WLG (UK) LLP about Read More

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