Department for Transport

E-bike and e-scooter safety guidance issued

Government published information last month to mitigate fire risks. Read More

Workplace injury: What does this mean for employers in Ireland?

Under health and safety legislation, every employer has a duty of care to their employees and self-employed people working for the business to provide a safe work environment. But accidents still happen... Read More

Light Rail Safety and Standards Board is ‘adding value to the light rail and tramway sector’, according to ORR review

The ORR has published a review which outlines how the Light Rail Safety and Standards Board (LRSSB) is adding value to the light rail and tramway sector. Read More

Government delays rollout of further all-lane smart motorways in response to Transport Committee report

The implementation of new ‘all-lane running’ smart motorways has been paused while the safety of the initiative is assessed, the government has said. Read More

Department for Transport launches consultation on Road Collision Investigation Branch

The Department for Transport (DfT) has launched a consultation on proposals to set up a Road Collision Investigation Branch (RCIB). Read More

New technology driving change in road safety

Innovation and tech certainly appear to be creating a shift change, in terms of how duty holders and organisations are seeking to manage and control its work-related road risk (“WRRR”). Read More

DfT releases provisional estimates for reported road casualties in Britain in 2020

Fewer vehicles on the road due to coronavirus restrictions sees a 14% reduction in road deaths year-on-year. Read More

Hands-free driving to be made legal on British roads by early 2021

Government consulting on the use of Automated Lane Keeping System on Great Britain’s motorways. Read More

Trains still discharging waste onto tracks

Approximately 350 rail vehicles continue to discharge waste on the tracks, according to a report in Rail Magazine. Read More

Work Related Road Risk in 2020: Not the time for cutting corners

All employers are very much presented with an opportune moment now to shine the spotlight back on Work Related Road Risk ("WRRR"), given that the legal framework which underpins this area otherwise remains unchanged and more than ever, businesses should look to comply. Read More

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Environmental, Social & Governance White Paper

Improving Workplace Safety: Personality Assessments to improve organisational safety culture

Strong foundation – embedding safety culture in your frontline workers

Contractor Selection and Management in Times of Labour Shortage

Streamlining your safety processes to drive proactive improvements across your business