
Proposed employment law changes could put construction workers’ lives at risk, says CIOB

Eddie Tuttle at the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB0 says a government proposal to amend several areas within retained EU Law, in particular employment law, could have a detrimental impact on construction safety. Read More

Businesses called to provide evidence on how they are improving LGBT+ inclusivity in the workplace

The government has issued a consultation, calling for global and UK-based organisations to provide examples of how they are improving LGBT+ inclusivity. Read More

Comment welcomed on the draft ISO 45001

BSI, the business standards company, has published the draft international standard (DIS) of ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management Read More

IOSH involved in development of global standard

IOSH is taking part in the development of a global standard for organisations to create their own health and safety management systems. Read More

Proposals for CDM regulations launched

Proposals to revise the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2007 (CDM Regulations) are being launched today. Read More

Measuring Competence

The proposed changes to the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2007 include the removal (or simplification) of Appendix 4: Competence ヨ Core criteria for demonstration of competence. Read More

Five misconceptions about defamatory comments on social media

Social media is becoming a more and more important tool to promote yourself and your profession, whether you are a self-employed consultant or you work for an organisation. But it presents an ever-increasing risk to the reputation of individuals and businesses. Read More

Proposal to extend exemption afforded to turban-wearing Sikhs

The HSE is proposing to make an amendment to extend the exemption in the Employment Act 1989, so that turban wearing in any industry will be exempt from the need to wear head protection. Read More

In-depth: CDM consultation timing and the impact on the industry

The construction sector is awaiting consultation on the latest revision to the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations, although the timing is uncertain and appears to be more political than procedural. John Carpenter considers what it might mean for those working in the industry and how they can shape the final regulations. Read More

New CDM regulations to combat confusion

Confusion over the role of the Construction Design and Management co-ordinator (CDM-C) has prompted the HSE to publish a consultative document concerning changes to the CDM Regulations 2007 (CDM 2007). Read More

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