
Care provider fined after an employee sexually assaulted and raped by a Service User

The Action Group has been fined after an employee was abducted, assaulted, sexually assaulted and raped in the course of her duties by one of their service users. Read More

G4S sentenced after employee attacked at a youth offender training centre

A private security company has been fined after an employee suffered life-changing injuries when he was assaulted by four individuals at a young offender’s training facility in Milton Keynes. Read More

Scheme launched to increase convictions for assault on frontline NHS staff

A London-wide operation has been launched to convict those who assault NHS staff. The initiative will see a senior officer review all reports of assaults and hate crime against NHS staff. Read More

SHP legislation update eBook – October 2020

SHP’s latest Health & Safety legislation eBook, published in October 2020, covers coronavirus legislation, Brexit, Grenfell, Fire Safety Bill, Building Safety Bill, environment and much more… Read More

Four in 10 police officers say they were assaulted last year and attacks on firefighters on the rise

A poll of more than 40,000 police officers in England and Wales has said that almost four in ten said they had been assaulted in the last year, while latest government figures show that attacks on firefighters in England have surged by 66% in four years. Read More

Doubling maximum sentence for assaulting an emergency worker

Anyone who assaults or attacks emergency workers could face longer jail terms, following the announcement of a consultation on doubling the maximum penalty for the offence. Read More

‘Coronavirus coughs’ at key workers will be charged as assault, CPS warns

Anyone using coronavirus to threaten emergency and essential workers faces serious criminal charges, the Director of Public Prosecutions has warned. Read More

Last decade sees decline in violence at work

The number of violent incidents at work has declined over the last decade, according to statistics from the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW). Read More

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