Guidance – stress- Managing stress is managing people

Launched as part of a four-year project, the guidance, Line management and stress at work, sets out the key management behaviours for managing stress at work, grouped under four competency headings: managing and communicating existing and future work; reasoning/managing difficult situations; managing the individual within the team; and managing emotions and having integrity.A CIPD survey published in May found that about half of the 3000 employees questioned have seen an increase in stress at work as a result of the economic downturn.Commenting on the guidance, the HSE’s head of health at work division, Peter Brown, said: “An investment in the management and prevention of stress at work is an investment in your organisation’s future. Stress at work has both human and business costs. By working with these competencies managers can help their businesses make big savings.”Ben Wilmott, the CIPD’s senior public-policy advisor, added: “Employers that invest in training and developing their managers to ensure they exhibit the behaviours that manage stress at work will also reap benefits in terms of reduced conflict and staff turnover, as well as increased motivation and commitment.“Long-term exposure to stress is linked to conditions such as anxiety and depression, as well as physical conditions such as heart disease, back pain and headaches.”The guidance draws from interviews and surveys with hundreds of managers and employees, as well as an evaluation of manager training in stress-management competencies across 17 organisations.The guidance is at
Guidance – stress- Managing stress is managing people
In recognition that stress management is part and parcel of good people management, new guidance on how to reduce stress at work has been launched by the HSE, in partnership with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and Investors in People (IIP). <br><br>
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